Configure your Loyalty memberships so that customers earn points when Ticket Type Vouchers are redeemed, but do not earn points when they purchase Ticket Type Vouchers at POS. You can also configure points to be earned on any surcharges included at the time of redemption.
For example: A member purchases a $10 ticket voucher, and earns no units on the transaction. The member then redeems the $10 ticket voucher at a later date, and pays an additional $2.50 surcharge because the film is in 3D. The member will earn units on the total $12.50 value of the transaction.
- In Loyalty, create or open the Balance Type used for earning Box Office units: Loyalty > Loyalty Admin > Campaigns > Balance Types.
- In the Data section, set the Item Group to BOX OFFICE.
- In the Earn on items section, set the Earning Basis to Item values and ticket redemptions.
- Click the Show Balance Type Override Settings button to display the Balance Type Overrides screen for the balance type.
- Select the Item Class your organisation uses for vouchers.
Note: You can also select a specific voucher type in the Item dropdown, or leave it blank to apply to all vouchers.
- Set the Item Group to BOX OFFICE.
- Set the Earning Rate On Purchases to 0.
- Set the Earning Basis to Item values and ticket redemptions.
Note: The Earning Rate on Box Office Redemptions will become available, and the value will default to the Earning Rate as configured on the main Balance Type maintenance form.
- Set the Earning Rate on Box Office Redemptions as required, or leave it as the default value.
- Click Add New Balance Type Override to apply the settings.
- Close the Balance Type Override screen.
- Save the balance type record.
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