To encourage members to renew their membership, you can create a recognition message that appears when members swipe their loyalty card at POS or when logging in online.
Before you begin
- Create a group and rule that finds expired or expiring memberships
- Create a renewal recognition for expired or expiring members
- In Loyalty Admin, go to Campaigns > Recognitions and create a new recognition.
- Set Type to Message.
- Set Total Available to an arbitrarily large number such as 999.
- Select your group that finds expired or expiring members.
- Select the Include expired members checkbox.
- In POS Message Text, enter the message you want to display to members to see.
For example, Your membership expires soon, don't forget to renew! - Save.
Including Loyalty card transaction history in your recognition message (optional)
- Locate and run the script in the Loyalty installation package folder.
Note: Recognition messages operate in conjunction with Loyalty’s GetMemberLastTransaction.sql, which populates the message at POS with the correct data for each Loyalty card.
- Follow steps 1 and 2 above to create a new recognition message.
- In POS Message Text, enter the following:
!SQL! dob.fnGetMemberLastTransactions (@MemberID, 20)
Note: The integer entered ("20" in the example above) determines the number of past days included in the transaction history. Enter any integer you like, up to a maximum of 100.
- Configure additional details as needed.
- Save.
See also:
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