A maximum limit may be set for the extra advance booking time provided by a recognition for Loyalty members.
To set this maximum limit, edit a recognition, and select Enforce Maximum Additional Time for Loyalty Members and specify the Time (day:hr:min) when configuring the Additional Advance Booking Time.
See Giving extra advance booking time to Loyalty members for details.
Note: This cap will apply to any sales profile associated with this rule.
- The film Avatar 3D is assigned a sales profile configured with an advance booking rule that caps the extra time Loyalty members can receive to 3 days. The Loyalty recognition gives members 7 days extra. In this case, Loyalty members are given 3 extra days to purchase tickets, due to the limit set by the advance booking rule.
- The film Indiana Jones is assigned a sales profile configured with an advance booking rule that caps the extra time Loyalty members can receive to 30 days. The Loyalty recognition gives members 7 days extra. In this case, Loyalty members are given the 7 extra days allowed by the recognition.
Important: Advance booking periods are negotiated with distributors. Film programming staff are likely to have a more detailed understanding of the contracts, and configure the advance booking rules accordingly. Marketing staff who manage Loyalty campaigns may unknowingly configure an advance booking recognition that violates the distributor contract. Limiting the extra advance booking time given by a recognition to the time configured on the rule prevents contracts from being broken.
See also:
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