Ticket upgrades allow you to offer patrons discounted tickets for high revenue sessions of a movie when occupancy is low in those sessions.
For example, when less than 20% of tickets have been sold to the 6:00pm session of Avengers in 3D, you can offer an upgrade to that session, for $3 off the usual 3D ticket price, to a patron who orders a 2D ticket to the 2:00pm session of Avengers. This deal will no longer be offered once 20% of tickets to the Avengers 3D session have been sold.
Creating a ticket upgrade
You can configure Ticket Upgrades in either Cinema Manager or Head Office via Maintenance > Promotion and Discounts.
Tip: Ticket upgrades between movie formats are much easier to configure if each film has a single film record with multiple formats, rather than a separate film record for each movie format.
- Create a deal. See Creating a deal in Cinema Manager for details.
- Select Ticket Upgrade.
- Set the Deal Trigger to either Prompt operator to add first item or Prompt operator to add last item.
Note: As ticket upgrades are not always available, prompting the operator lets them know that the ticket upgrade is available.
- Enter the Area Occupancy Threshold (%).
- Enter a range for Minutes between Sessions.
- Go to Items and Tickets.
- Select the ticket types and price cards to which you want to apply the ticket upgrade. For each ticket type selected, configure the Upgrade Ticket Type, Upgrade Price Card, Discount Type, and Value that will be applied.
- Select the films and movie formats to which the ticket upgrade will apply. For each film, configure the Upgrade Film, Upgrade Movie Format and Status.
- If you want to include concession items as part of your ticket upgrade deal, click Add Item List, then add a new list. Add concession items to this list.
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