A buy one, get one is a deal where customers buy an item or items, and receive a discount on a different item or items. The classic buy one, get one deal is to offer customers a free item when they buy a more expensive one. You don't have to set up your deal up like that though — you can require any number of purchases, and offer a discount on any number of items.
- In Head Office or Cinema Manager, go to Maintenance > Promotions and Discounts.
- Click Create.
- Set the Type to Deal.
- Set the Deal Type to Buy One Get One.
- Go to Items.
- Set up the first list for your deal.
Tip: To set up a buy one get one deal, use a maximum and minimum of 1.
- Set up the second list for your deal.
Note: If there are multiple items that can be discounted, customers receive a discount on the most expensive eligible item. For example, you could set up a buy one get one deal. If a customer buys one $30, one $20, and one $10 item from your deal, they'll receive a discount on the $20 item. If the $20 item was free, the customer would pay $40 total.
- (optional) Set up more lists as needed.
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