When a booking voucher is presented at POS, you need to scan it to admit patrons for the current performance.
- Scan the booking voucher barcode.
The booking screen is displayed showing the tickets linked to the booking voucher. Tickets due to be printed within the time set by system setting SeasonPassPrintDaysAhead will be automatically selected. These tickets can be unselected, and others can be selected.
Note: If all tickets are due to be printed within SeasonPassPrintDaysAhead, none will be automatically selected.
- If you wish to view (and possibly print) all tickets associated with the booking, not just for the scanned voucher, tap Show Full Booking.
Note: Depending on the system setting SecuritySeasonPassBkngViewAll, a cinema manager may need to authorise this.
- Once you have selected the tickets you wish to print, tap Tickets Only.
The tickets selected (or all tickets, if all tickets are due within SeasonPassPrintDaysAhead) are printed.
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