Session Entry (available within Showtime Manager on the Timeline view), is used to bulk generate sessions for the current business week.
- Go to Showtime Manager > Session Entry.
Note: If there are any unsaved changes in Showtime Manager, you will be prompted to save these.
- Enter the details of the Screen and Film to be used for the created sessions. If your organisation uses show numbers, select Start Show Numbers From.
Note: To configure show numbers, the System Setting UseShowNumbers needs to be set to Y(es), R(e-sequence), or D(ecrement).
- Select the Business Days on which to create sessions.
Note: The sessions times entered below will be created on each selected business day in the current business week. For example: FSU will create sessions on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
- Enter the Show Times to create sessions, or alternatively enter the Earliest Start Time or Latest Start Time and configure the show spacing settings to automatically create a number of sessions between the entered time range.
- Click Generate.
- Review the sessions.
- Check to see if the properties are correct. For example: Make sure there is no overlap in session times.
Note: Any sessions that fall outside of an enforced booking period are marked with a red notification.
- Make any changes required.
Note: If you don't delete older sessions you wish to remove, when you click the Generate button again, new sessions will be inserted into the table for review, rather than overwriting the old ones. This can result in large numbers of overlaps, and when the Generate Sessions button is clicked, old reviewed sessions that were incorrect may be inserted into the Showtime Manager planning grid.
- Check to see if the properties are correct. For example: Make sure there is no overlap in session times.
- Click Apply.
- A confirmation prompt appears. Click OK.
- Repeat steps 4–10 for other sessions you wish to create in other Screens or for other Films. The created sessions will be inserted into the Showtime Manager grid.
See also
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