To ensure that a full set of duplicate prepare and pickup slips are available to kitchen management, one of a cinema's printers may be designated the Master Kitchen Printer.
Prepare and pickup slips are printed on both the designated printer and on the Master Kitchen Printer's printer. Pickup slips are printed as simple copies. Prepare slips are consolidated to a single slip per transaction.
You can choose either a Workstation or Kitchen Service printer:
- In any Cinema environment, a POS workstation can be nominated as the Master Kitchen Printer (for both prepare and pickup slips).
- In Cinema environments that use the Kitchen Service, a kitchen service printer can be designated as the Master Kitchen Printer for either prepare or pickup slips.
Choosing a printer attached to a POS workstation as a Master Kitchen Printer
A printer attached to a POS workstation designated as a Master Kitchen Printer prints duplicates of all prepare and pickup slips. The workstation does not need to belong to an Item Prepare and Pickup Area.
- Open the Workstation form for the workstation that you want to print duplicate prepare and pickup slips from Cinema Manager > Maintenance > Workstations & Profiles.
- On the Printers tab, select Kitchen Master Printer.
Choosing a Kitchen Service printer as a Master Kitchen Printer
- Open the Printer maintenance form for the printer that you want to print duplicate prepare and pickup slips from Cinema Manager > Maintenance > Printers.
- Select Master Kitchen Printer for Prepare Slips or Master Kitchen Printer for Pickup Slips.
- Save.
See also
Setting up prepare/pickup service areas
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