Concessions Price Manager allows concession data to be controlled across multiple cinemas and cinema groups by displaying all pricing information and the relationships between concessions, price books and promotions from a single screen. The application can also be used to easily maintain links to cinemas and cinema groups.
You can access the application from Head Office > Maintenance > Concessions Price Manager.
Cinemas, cinema groups and items are listed down the grid and base prices, price books and promotions are displayed along the top. Item prices occupy the cells within the grid and the relationship between items and price books can be seen by the prices that are entered. Prices can be edited and entered directly into the grid.
The price books displayed at the top of the grid is dependent on the Effectivity Date selected from the ribbon. Only price books that are in effect on the selected date will be shown.
There are three ribbon tabs in the application:
- The Home ribbon tab contains all the basic filter settings.
- The Price Books and Promotions ribbon tab contains settings to specifically filter the data displayed by terms related to price books and promotions.
- The Settings ribbon tab contains the buttons for saving the Price Manager display settings.
Clicking on the title of a price book, cinema, cinema group, or item will display the relevant maintenance form to edit that record. You can click either the Create New Price Book button or Create New Promotion button on the Price Books and Promotions ribbon tab to create new records.
See also:
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