Set up more than one cash drawer for POS workstations being used by multiple operators to track sales by individual operators.
POS workstations require hardware and security configuration to operate with two cash drawers.
- Ensure that workstations with two cash drawers belong to a Workstation Group that has Auto Lock After Sale set to either Auto-lock with POS session switching or Manual-lock with POS session switching.
- Ensure that the workstations are using a POS Button Layout that includes the Open button.
- On the Hardware 1 tab of either Workstation maintenance or Hardware Templates maintenance, set Number of Cash Drawers to 2.
- Configure the cash drawers. Ensure you enter details for both Cash Drawer 1 and Cash Drawer 2.
Note: The cash drawers can be different types.
Tip! You can temporarily disable a cash drawer by changing the Type to No cash drawer. Ensure that the cash drawer is not assigned to an operator before changing the Type, or it will remain assigned once disabled and that operator will not be able to claim another cash drawer.
- In System Settings maintenance , set the security levels required to allow an operator to open their allocated cash drawer without a cash sale, and to assign or release cash drawers.
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