POS is highly customisable, and there are many system settings in Cinema Manager that allow you to tailor its appearance and behaviour to suit your needs.
The list below includes a selection of system settings that you may find useful, including:
- System settings that affect login and logout.
- System settings that affect booking collection.
- System settings that affect kitchen services.
- System settings that affect transactions.
- System settings that affect refunds.
- System settings that affect how deals, discounts, and combos are applied.
- System settings that affect supervisor authorisation.
- System settings that affect reservation timeouts.
This is not a comprehensive list of the system settings that affect POS.
System settings that affect login and logout
You can customise how operators log into POS.
Setting | Allowed Values | Description |
LogonAllowManualEntry |
Yes No |
This setting only applies when LogonUseReader is set to Yes. Determines whether a POS operator can log on by entering a user name or user number, instead of using an external security reader. |
LogonRequirePIN/Password |
Yes Yes Manual Entry Only No No Masked |
LogonUseReader |
Yes No |
Determines whether a POS operator can use a supported external device, such as a barcode or fingerprint reader, to log on.
PINNumberGeneration |
Enter Random |
Determines the method by which users' PINs can be set or changed.
POSLogonForm |
Numeric Alphanumeric |
Determines how POS operators sign in and unlock POS, and how supervisors authorise transactions.
SecurityMaxAccessAttempts |
0–10 |
The maximum number of times a user may attempt to log in before the user is disabled. A disabled user can be reset in Cinema Manager User form. The default setting is 5; 0 indicated no maximum. |
SecurityPasswordExpiryDays |
0-120 |
The number of days after which a PIN or password expires. A value of 0 means that PINs and passwords never expire. Note: This value will be the default expiry period for all users that don't have a user group PIN expiry set in . |
StaffUseStaffClockOnPOSLogin |
Yes No |
Determines whether a staff member is prompted to clock on while logging in to POS |
StaffUseStaffClockOnPOSLogout |
Yes No |
Determines whether a staff member is prompted to clock off while logging out of POS. |
System settings that affect booking collection
You can customise how POS behaves at booking collection, to optimise security and efficiency.
Setting | Allowed Values | Description |
BookingDefaultToPinpadSwipe |
Yes No |
Determines whether a credit card must be swiped to pickup a booking. When set to Yes, the virtual keyboard is bypassed and the operator is prompted for a PINpad swipe. |
BookingDetailMandatoryEntry |
Any combination of NAME, PHONE, EMAIL, PICKUPNAME, and CARDNO. |
The mandatory information to enter when making a new booking. Example: If a name and phone number must be entered to make a booking, you'd enter |NAME|PHONE|. If a name and either a phone number or a credit card number had to be entered to make a booking, you'd enter |NAME|PHONE/CARDNO|. |
BookingNumberSuppressed |
Yes No |
Determines whether booking numbers are visible in POS; whether booking numbers can be used to search for bookings; and whether booking search results that are not exact matches are displayed. When set to Yes, booking numbers are not in POS and operators are not able use a booking number to search for a booking. In addition, a booking search only returns a result if an exact match is found. |
BookingPickupCardRequired |
Yes No |
Determines whether the credit card used to make a booking needs to be swiped to pick up that booking. |
BookingPickupMatchCardExpiry |
Yes No |
Determines whether the expiry date of the credit card used to make a booking needs to be matched to the booking when picking up multiple bookings. |
EnablePartialBookingCollection |
Yes No |
Determines whether unpaid bookings can be partially collected. Preventing partial collection may make reconciliation related to third-party bookings easier. |
ManualBookingPrintAtPayment |
Y N |
Determines whether tickets for manual bookings are printed on payment or at pickup. |
PromptForMultipleBookings |
Y N |
Determines whether the POS operator is prompted to select a booking if multiple bookings are found for a credit card. If set to N, all tickets booked using that credit card are printed. |
SecurityViewBookingFromSeatMap |
0–9 99 |
Specifies the security level required to access the details of an unpaid booking by clicking on a booked seat in the seat plan on the Alternate Tickets screen. 0: highest security 9: lowest security 99: no security |
System settings that affect kitchen services
Setting | Allowed Values | Description |
OnlyShowCurrentFoodOrders |
Hides the order on the Kitchen screen until preparation is required. The prepare slip is not printed and the order is not displayed on the Kitchen screen until the set preparation time. |
PickupSlipPrinting |
Print when made Print when collected |
This setting determines when the pickup slip for an order is printed. The pickup slip can either be printed when all the items in an order are made (default) or when all items are collected When the chefs on their screens only have 'Made' button enabled and expeditor has 'Collected', having this setting set to 'collected' gives the control of when pickup slips are printed to the expeditor. The 'Print when made' option is used when the you need to print a slip for every item made. |
System settings that affect transactions
Setting | Allowed Values | Description |
RecordTransactionsPerSession |
When enabled, the setting records the number of transactions per session instead of tickets. The sale per transaction may include one or more tickets. It helps cinemas such as Drive-in to manage occupancy per transaction basis. Refunds or cancelations can be made for a single ticket or entire transactions. But a transaction count deceases only when all tickets in that transaction are refunded or swapped. |
SecurityTabVoidButton |
0–9 99 |
Specifies the security level required to void items from the check. When configured the POS operator would require set security clearance to void items from a check. 0: highest security 9: lowest security 99: no security |
System settings that affect refunds
You can customise how POS processes refunds, to meet auditing and security requirements.
Setting | Allowed Values | Description |
PrintRefundTickets |
Yes No |
Determines whether refund tickets are printed for refunded transactions. |
PrintRefundTicketsSummarised |
Yes No |
Determines whether the information for multiple tickets refunded in a single transaction is printed in a summarised format on a single refund slip. If set to No, a separate refund slip is printed for each ticket refunded. |
ReasonRequiredForRefund |
Yes No |
Determines whether a reason is required when an operator issues a refund at POS. |
RefundCardPolicy |
Determines the method used when refunding to a credit card. This setting is used in conjunction with RefundLimitTenderMethod. |
RefundLimitTenderMethod |
Y N |
Determines whether the tender method of a refund is restricted to the same method as the sale. Note: This setting doesn't apply to transaction-independent (unmatched) refunds. |
RefundLimitTenderValue |
Yes No |
Determines whether the refund value is limited to the amount tendered for that tender type. Note: This setting doesn't apply to transaction-independent (unmatched) refunds. |
RefundTicketAfterXMins |
-9999–9999 |
The number of minutes into a session or feature after which it is necessary to get supervisor authorisation to refund a ticket for that session. A negative value indicates that tickets cannot be refunded for that many minutes before the session or feature starts. |
RefundTicketAfterXMinsType |
Determines when supervisor authorisation is required to give a refund for a ticket. If SESSIONFINISHED is selected, supervisor authorisation will be required to give refunds after the session for the ticket has If SESSION or FEATURE is selected, supervisor authorisation will be required after a certain period of time has elapsed from the start of the session or feature. This period of time is specified by RefundTicketAfterXMins. |
SecurityAllowItemPartialRefund |
0–9 99 |
Specifies the security level required to give a partial refund of concession items in an order. If security is configured, POS operators without the required security level can only refund entire transactions with all items. 0: highest security 9: lowest security 99: no security |
SecurityAllowTicketPartRefund |
-1 0–9 99 |
Determines the security level required at POS to allow partial refunds of non-Voucher tickets in a transaction. -1: prevents partial ticket refunds. Cinema managers are unable to override this setting. 0 - 9: highest to lowest level of security. 99: no security. POS can proceed with the refund. |
SecurityOfflineRefund |
0–9 99 |
The security level required at POS to allow the refund of ticket voucher redemptions when POS is in Offline mode and a replacement voucher can't be printed. 0–9: highest to lowest level of security. 99: no security. POS can proceed with the refund of a ticket voucher redemption while in Offline mode. |
SecurityRefundNoReprint |
0–9 99 |
The security level required at POS to refund a multi-use voucher that can't have a replacement voucher reprinted. 0: highest security 9: lowest security 99: no security |
System settings that affect how deals, discounts and combos are applied
Setting | Allowed Values | Description |
ForceMatchingCombos |
Yes No |
Determines whether POS forces replacement of items in an order with a lower-cost combo that contains the same items. |
Setting | Allowed Values | Description |
OpenLineButtonItems |
All Items Exclude Deals |
Determines which items are surfaced when the POS operator taps the Open Line button. Note: If Excludes Deals is selected and an item is only available in a deal, then the Open Line button is disabled for that for that item. |
Setting | Allowed Values | Description |
DiscountButtonTurnOff |
Yes No |
If set to Yes, the Discount button is deselected after each item or ticket is selected. To apply a discount to another item or ticket, the button must be reselected. If set to No, the Discount button remains selected until it is manually deselected, or until the order is completed. |
DiscountDisplayAmountSaved |
Yes Yes with message box No |
Determines whether POS displays the amount saved when discounts are applied. If set to Yes, the amount displays at the bottom of the Order window when the resolution is 1024 x 768 or greater. If set to Yes with message box, the amount saved will also display in a message box. |
DiscountSuggestFromOrderWindow |
Yes No |
Determines whether items eligible for a discount are highlighted in the Order window. The operator can select the highlighted item to apply the discount. |
DiscountTicketsAllowed |
Yes No |
Determines whether discounts can be applied to tickets in an order, as well as to concession items. |
DiscountTypeAlwaysSelect |
Yes No |
Determines whether POS operator is prompted to select the discount type every time when applying discounts to items or tickets. If set to No, after an initial discount has been applied, POS will apply the same discount type to subsequent discounts within the same order. The same type is applied until the Discount button is deselected and then reselected, or until the order is completed. |
LoyaltyDiscountAutoCalculate |
Yes Yes with message box No |
Determines whether POS automatically evaluates the order to determine which items and/or tickets are eligible for a discount. If this is set to Yes with message box, the amount saved with the discount is displayed in a message box. Note: To allow auto-calculation of the Loyalty discount, the system setting DiscountSuggestFromOrderWindow must be set to Yes. |
MemberDiscountAutoApply |
Always use Discount Button Bypass for Discount Convert Points Bypass for Apply Discount Code only Never require Discount button |
Determines whether the Discount button must be used to apply Loyalty discount recognitions. When the Discount button is bypassed, Apply Discount Code recognitions apply automatically and Discount Convert Points recognitions display for selection. |
AutoAddLoyaltyTicketsOnAltScr |
Determines whether third-party membership tickets controlled by Vista Loyalty are shown on the Alternate Ticket Screen. When set to YES, the setting hides the Loyalty member tickets from the Alternate Ticket screen and instead adds the ticket automatically to the order when a member has relevant recognitions. Note: When a member has more than one ticket type as a recognition then the POS operator is prompted to select the relevant ticket type.
System settings that affect supervisor authorisation
You can customise the process by which supervisors authorise certain actions.
Setting | Allowed Values | Description |
SecurityAllowManualEntry |
Yes No |
Determines whether POS will allow a supervisor to authorise a transaction by manually entering their POS login details when SecurityUseReader is set to Yes. When set to Yes, manual login is enabled via the Manual button. When set to No, the supervisor cannot authorise a transaction without using an external security reader. |
SecurityFloatAdjustUserPINReq |
Yes No |
Determines whether the user number and PIN of the logged-in operator are required to make a float adjustment. When set to Yes, clicking the Float Adjust button will prompt the logged in operator to enter their user number and PIN, prior to the manager entering their user number and PIN. When set to No, only the manager's user number and PIN are required to make a float adjustment. |
SecurityRequirePIN/Password |
Yes Yes Manual Entry Only No |
SecurityUseReader |
Yes No |
Determines whether a supervisor can use an external security reader to access a POS workstation to authorise a transaction. When set to No, the supervisor must manually enter their username or user number and their password. |
SecurityPinAuthWarningDays |
Any number |
Displays a PIN expiry warning when a supervisor is authorising actions at POS. Specify the number of days before PIN expiry when the warning should be shown. |
SecurityStoreFingerprint |
0–9 99 |
Determines the security level required to store a fingerprint for login at POS. The setting allows only the Manager or a person with authorization to store fingerprint. This prevents operators from saving any other fingerprint under their name, removing any chances of fraud. 0: highest security 9: lowest security 99: no security |
System settings that affect reservation timeouts
Setting | Allowed Values | Description |
ReservationTimeout |
0-60 |
The setting controls the number of minutes a POS workstation reserves seats for before they are returned to another workstation to sell. It is set to 0 by default, meaning that no timeout is applied. |
ReservationTimeoutNotice |
Yes No |
The setting determines whether a POS operator is notified when the seat reservation timeout is reached. The notification asks the operator to start the order over and try again. |
See also:
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