You can upsell using alternate items to encourage customers to spend more. This is particularly useful for concession items such as post-mix drink and popcorn, which come in an ascending range of sizes.
Before you begin
- Items of various sizes or qualities should already be set up, such as Small Drink, Medium Drink, Large Drink.
This can be done in Cinema Manager or Head Office.
- In Maintenance > Bulk Items, open the item you wish to configure with upsells.
Example: Small Drink
- On the Alternate Selection tab, set the Sales Type to Upsells.
- (Optional) Configure the Prompt Text to be displayed to the POS operator.
Example: "Would you like to upsize?"
- In the grid, expand the row for your selected item and use the table to add the items you wish to make available as upsells.
Example: Medium Drink, Large Drink
- Save.
When the Small Drink item is added to the order, the operator is prompted to ask the customer if they would like to upsize. If the customer accepts, the operator selects one of the upsell sizes (Medium Drink or Large Drink), which replaces the Small Drink item in the order.
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