You can add a ticket type to a price card from either the Price Cards or the Ticket Type Maintenance form.
From the Price Cards form (Head Office > Maintenance > Price Cards):
- Open the price card to which you'd like to add a ticket type .
- Expand the table.
- Adjust the ticket filters so you can see the ticket type you'd like to add.
Tip: Click Add New Ticket Type to open the Ticket Type Maintenance form and create a new ticket type.
- Select Include for the ticket type you're adding to the price card.
Note: To add a ticket package to a price card, first add each individual ticket type that is included in the package. In the Tickets table, go to the Description and find the Package tab to review package details.
Note: To re-order ticket types, expand the price card in the table and use the Move Up and Move Down buttons, drag and drop ticket types into the order you'd like, or edit the Seq number of the ticket types and save the price card.
From the Ticket Type form (Head Office > Maintenance > Price Cards):
- Open the ticket type you'd like to add to a price card.
- On the Price Cards tab, select the price card you wish to add the new ticket type to.
Note: Standalone and base price cards appear with any future versions. Expand a base price card to see derived price cards.
- Click the > button to add the ticket type to the selected price card.
Note: When you add a ticket type to a derived price card, it is automatically added to the base price card too.
- Save the ticket type record. If you have the Price Cards Maintenance form open, click Refresh to see the new ticket type.
Note: Any ticket price adjustments you apply to a price card are automatically assigned to included ticket types unless you exclude them from ticket price adjustments.
See also:
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