As with general tips, customers may indicate the desired tip amount on credit card receipts, which servers enter during quiet periods of service, or at the end of their shift. Automatic gratuity amounts can also be updated retrospectively on the Bulk Tips screen.
Note: The entries in the Tips screen table only include card payments. Tips from cash payments are tracked separately.
- Open the Tips screen: More > Tips.
- Tab orders with an automatic gratuity surcharge applied have a value entered in the Automatic Tip cell.
- Edit the tip as required:
- To increase the tip amount, select the Percentage Tip cell and use the numeric keypad to enter the higher tip desired by the customer.
- To decrease the tip amount, select the Automatic Tip cell and press Delete to remove it. Then select the Percentage Tip cell, and add the lower tip desired by the customer.
- To remove the automatic gratuity altogether, select the Automatic Tip cell and press Delete.
Process the tips as normal.
- To increase the tip amount, select the Percentage Tip cell and use the numeric keypad to enter the higher tip desired by the customer.
- The credit card authorisation associated with the transaction is used to update the amount charged.
See also:
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