If your food service environment offers dishes that require advance preparation or are available in restricted quantities, you may need to limit the number of (certain) food items that can be sold in a shift. You may also need to immediately prevent a sold-out item from being ordered through POS.
Before setting selling limits, you should set up the POS selling limit button and their behaviour. You can determine the security level needed to use the Selling Limits button, and for how long an item is marked Sold Out. For instructions, see Setting up POS selling limit buttons and behaviour
To limit the quantity of items sold, or to immediately stop orders for a sold-out item, use the POS Selling Limit button to specify the quantity of items available for sale through POS. For instructions, see the following topics:
Note: Selling limits apply only to sales made through POS. Sales made through other channels (such as kiosks, your website, or your mobile app) are not affected by, and do not count against, the selling limits at POS.
See also:
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