Use POS to ask the kitchen to hold items for multi-course meals.
- In POS, ring up a number of items that require preparation. This might be for a normal order, or one that is part of a Tab.
For example: soup, burger and fries, cherry pie
- Select the order line that you wish to Hold for later preparation.
For example: You may want to begin preparing the soup (first course) immediately, and put the burger and fries and cherry pie on hold.
- Press the Hold button, available below the Order Grid next to the Delete button.
The hold icon (a hand indicating to 'stop') will be displayed next to the selected order line.
Note: The Hold button will only be available for items that require preparing, or for items rung up against a Tab. If the order line selected contains a ticket, or an item that does not require preparing, the Hold button will be disabled.
- Repeat steps 2 and 3 for each item you wish to place on hold.
- Complete the order and payment as normal.
The system setting SendHeldItemsToPrepareArea determines whether or not held items are displayed on the Kitchen screen, and whether or not they are printed on Prepare Slips, with any extra indicating text.
See also:
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