Determine the status of items by viewing them at POS or on a kitchen screen.
Viewing items at POS
When items in a check are Held, a small hand icon is displayed on the Checks page. This allows serving staff to easily see which checks have held items.
Viewing items on the kitchen screen
Ordered items that have been held or fired are displayed with icons on the Kitchen screen.
When an order is sent to the kitchen, the items that can be prepared immediately are displayed as normal, while held items are displayed with the 'stop hand' icon. Later, once the first course has been prepared and delivered, the second course can be fired to initiate preparation. Fired items are displayed with the 'flames' icon, and the rows flash orange.
Set sendHeldItemsToPrepareArea to No if ordered items marked as held should not be displayed on the Kitchen screen. They will only be displayed once their status is changed to fired. You can also set Held Items on the Settings Panel to on or off to show/hide held items on the Kitchen screen. This setting defaults to the value set in SendHeldItemsToPrepareArea.
See also:
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