You can set up a ticket promotion to only be available to customers who pay with a specific brand of credit card with the following steps:
- Create Ticket Types restricted to card payments.
- Create a Card Definition that includes the eligible card brand.
- Create a Promotion exclusive to the card brand.
1. Creating a ticket type restricted to card payments
- In Cinema Manager, create a new Ticket Type. For example: ABC Visa Gold Adult
- Enter an HO Code for the ticket.
- On the Ticket Type tab, select Restrict to Card Payment Promotions.
- On the Price Cards tab, add the ticket to the price cards you want the ticket to be available with.
- Configure the rest of the ticket type as required.
- Save.
- Repeat steps 1–6 for any other promotion ticket types required.
To restrict an existing ticket type to a particular promotion instead, open a record and select Restrict to Card Payment Promotions.
2. Creating a card definition with extended card ranges
To set up Brands for a particular card type, you need to configure a Card Definition with Extended Card Ranges.
The following steps involve setting up an ABC Bank Visa card definition that includes a General card with numbers in the format 4111 0010 xxxx xxxx and a Sub-brand card with numbers in the format 4111 0020 xxxx xxxx. Modify the values as required.
- In Cinema Manager, create a Card Definition. For example: ABC Bank Visa.
- Select Definition Has Extended Card Range. The Extended Card Range tab becomes available, and the Range End field is disabled.
- Enter the first digits that identify the card type number in the Range Start field. For example: 4111 00 identifies all Visa cards issued by ABC Bank.
- Configure the rest of the settings as required.
- On the Extended Card Range tab, enter the specific Brand(s) and the Additional Digits that identify them:
- General, 10
- Sub-brand, 20
- Save.
Important! Extended card ranges identify a larger portion of the card number than normal. To maintain PCI compliance, whenever Vista software handles a card number with extended card ranges, it hash-encrypts the number.
3. Creating a promotion exclusive to a credit card brand
- In CInema Manager, create a Promotion. For example: ABC Bank Visa Gold Tickets.
- On the Promotion and Discount tab, ensure the Type is Standard.
- Set the Exclusive to option to Card Payment. The Items tab changes to Tickets.
- Select a Card Definition.
- Select the Co-brand Brand.
Following the previous examples, the promotion will only be available to customers paying with an ABC Visa Gold card (4111 0020 xxxx xxxx). Customers who pay with an ABC Visa General (4111 0010 xxxx xxxx) or any other type of card will not have access to the promotion. - Configure other promotion settings as required.
- Select the ticket type you'd like to associate with this promotion.
Note: The list only includes ticket types configured as Restrict to Card Payment Promotions. - (Optional) Select a Film to restrict the ticket to.
If you don't want to restrict the promotion ticket to a particular film, leave (All Films) selected. The ticket will be available for any film as long as the customer is paying with the correct brand of card configured on the Promotion and Discount tab. - Save.
Note: The Type, Value, Retail Price, and Promotion Price cells are all read-only when working with promotions that are exclusive to card payment. The promotion is only used to configure valid matches between tickets and films. Any discounts or special prices for tickets configured as Restrict to Card Payment Promotions must be configured on the price card.
See also:
- Setting up credit card promotions on remote sales channels
- Card definitions
- Promotion/discount form
- Ticket types
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