The fields below are listed in alphabetical order, as column arrangement can be customised.
Note: By default, some columns are hidden. If required, you can manually enable them with the Choose Columns option on the Options ribbon tab.
Option | Description |
Admit Deduction |
The pre-calculation Deduction per Admit (All) as configured for the Screen used by the sessions included in the Film Hire record. |
Admit Deduction Foreign |
The pre-calculation Deduction per Admit (Foreign) as configured for the Screen used by the sessions included in the Film Hire record. |
Admits |
The number of admits to sessions included in the Film Hire record. |
Calculated |
The amount of Film Hire calculated as owing for the record. The figure used for this amount is whichever is larger out of the Minimum Amount and the Formula Amount. |
Cinema |
The Cinema where the sessions included in the Film Hire record took place. |
Comp Value |
The value of Complimentary tickets. |
Comps |
The number of Complimentary tickets issued to sessions included in the Film Hire record. |
Contract Number |
The number of the Contract used by sessions in the Film Hire record. |
Contract Ref |
The Reference Code configured for the Contract. |
Currency |
The currency that Film Hire figures are calculated in. |
Deducted Tax |
The pre-calculation tax amount deducted. |
Distribution Terms |
The Distribution Terms configured for the Contract. |
Distributor |
The Distributor of the Film Hire record's Film. |
Effective Net |
The Total Net minus all pre-calculation deductions (House Costs, Show Tax, Deducted Tax, Admit Deductions, Screen Deductions). |
Export To |
If the checkbox is selected, the Film Hire record will be exported on save. |
Exported to Accrual |
Indicates whether or not the record has had Accruals exported. |
Film |
The Film of the sessions included in the Film Hire record. |
Film Hire Percentage |
The percentage used to calculate the Film Hire amount. This will be whichever yields the largest Film Hire amount out of the Minimum Percentage or the Formula Percentage. |
Film Hire Variance |
The difference between the Calculated amount and the Final Amount. |
Film Hire Week Percentage |
The weekly percentage value from the distribution terms for the displayed film hire week. This is useful for distribution terms that vary weekly, or which have a number of variables that can change film hire percentages from week to week. |
Final Amount |
The final amount of Film Hire owed to the Distributor, after Tax, Tin Hire, and Sundry Expenses have been added. |
Formula Amount |
The Film Hire amount calculated using the Formula Share. |
Formula Percentage |
The percentage used for the Formula Share calculation. |
House Cost |
The House Costs of the screen, calculated in the method determined by the Contract. |
Invoice Amount |
The actual amount invoiced to the Distributor for the Film Hire record. |
Invoice Code |
The identifying code for the invoice in accounting systems. |
Invoice Date |
The date the invoice was generated. |
Invoice Gross |
The gross amount invoiced to the Distributor. |
Invoices Taxes 1–4 |
Tax owed on the invoice amount. |
Minimum Amount |
The Film Hire amount calculated using the Minimum Distributor's Share. |
Minimum Percentage |
The percentage used for the Minimum Distributor's Share calculation. |
Net Less House |
The Film Hire amount with House Costs subtracted. |
Payment Due |
The date on which payment is due. |
The Print Number of the Film used for the record's sessions. |
Screen |
The Screen of the sessions included in the Film Hire record. |
Screen Deduction Amount |
The deduction amount configured on the Film Hire tab of the Screen in which the Film Hire record's sessions were shown. |
Screen Deduction GL Account |
The GL Account in which the Screen Deduction Amount is recorded. |
Sessions |
The number of Sessions included in the Film Hire record. |
Show Tax |
The Show Tax Per Session, as configured for the Screen used by the sessions included in the Film Hire record.
Status |
Displays the status of the Film Hire record: Current - A current record that has not yet been exported, and can have Invoice and Sundry Expense amounts added. Note: If a film hire record has the status = Current and is included in a contract adjustment that creates a disparity between the Final and Invoice amounts, the record is highlighted on the Film Hire Payments form. Exported - A previous record that has already been exported, and can no longer be edited. Future Sessions - A record that's calculated using estimated box office values. Note: The record cannot be exported to invoice. However, if you make a subsequent calculation at a later date (and the calculated sessions are now earlier than the current date), the record's status changes to Current–meaning you can export the record to invoice. Error |
Sundry Expenses |
Additional expenses charged by the Distributor. For example: Shuttling charges. To enter a value into this field, click Enter Invoices in the ribbon to enable Edit Mode. |
Tax Amounts 1–4 |
Tax owed on the Film Hire amount. |
Ticket Fees Shared |
The Ticket Fee amount shared with the Distributor. |
Tin Hire |
Amount the Distributor charges for the film print tins. To enter a value into this field, click Enter Invoices in the ribbon to enable Edit Mode. |
Total Comp Value |
The total value of all Complimentary tickets issued to sessions included in the Film Hire record. |
Total Gross |
Total gross revenue generated by the sessions included in the Film Hire record. |
Total Net |
Total net revenue generated by the sessions included in the Film Hire record. |
Total Ticket Fees Gross |
The gross value of revenue generated by Ticket Fees. |
Total Ticket Fees Net |
The net value of revenue generated by Ticket Fees. |
Type |
The Type of Contract: Normal - standard public sessions. Private - sessions booked for private functions. Sneak - preview sessions before the opening date. |
Use Full Price |
The checkbox is selected if Calculate using full Ticket Price is selected on the Distribution Terms used for the Film Hire record's Contract. |
Warning |
Indicates whether or not any issues were found during calculation. For example: Sessions using a Screen for which no data has been defined. Total revenue has not reached the Distributor's minimum guarantee. Contract length note defined. |
Week Ending |
The date of the end of the Cinema Week that the sessions included in the Film Hire record took place in. |
Week Number |
The number of weeks the record's Film has been showing. |
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