Add or modify a balance type in Loyalty Admin > Campaigns > Balance Types.
Option | Description |
Club |
The club with which the balance type is associated. |
Name |
The name of the balance type. For example: ABC Total Member Spend, or ABC Movie Points. |
Name Alt Lang |
The name of the balance type in your organisation's alternative language. |
Unit Name |
The type of quantity that the balance type represents. For example: Dollars, or Points. |
External Code |
Required for calculating earned units from external third-party loyalty systems. Note: An External Code must be entered if Calculated Balance is cleared. |
Item Group |
The group containing the item classes that, when purchased, earn units for this balance type. For example:
Note: To set up a points balance that receives contributions from both concessions and ticket purchases, create two separate balance types (one using the BOX OFFICE item group and the other with the CONCESSIONS item group). Choose one of these balance types to represent the member's main points balance. In the other balance type, select the main points balance type as the Accumulate to Balance Type. This option is ignored when the setting Earn points on payment is in effect. |
Limit to Member Level |
The member level for which the balance type defines the points earned. |
Accumulate to Balance Type |
(Optional) The balance type into which points earned by this balance type are credited. Choose this option when you want to funnel points earned under this balance type into a different balance type. |
Default Balance Type |
Determines if the balance type is the default for the club. This setting may affect integration with some third-party applications. |
Show on Sales Channel |
Determines whether the balance available is to be shown on a sales channel when a member swipes their card. This option must be selected in order for a member redeem, or spend units of this balance type. Tip! Clear this option for balance types that are used solely for tracking purposes, like a balance type that represents the total member spend. |
Calculated Balance |
If the checkbox is selected, units for the balance type are calculated according to the Vista Loyalty system. If it is cleared, units are calculated through a third-party system. Note: If cleared, all fields in Sections 2–4 of the Add/Modify Balance Type form are disabled, and an External Code must be entered to link to the third-party system. |
Earning and Redemption
Option | Description |
Units Earned per Visit |
The number of of units earned each time a member visits the cinema. Units earned per visit apply in addition to any units earned through the Earning Rate. |
Earning Rate |
This number reflects the rate at which purchases translate into balance type units. This is then used with the Earning Basis setting for calculating points earned when concession items from the selected Item Group are purchased: If Item values is selected the earning rate will be per unit of currency spent on items. If Item values and ticket redemptions is selected, the earning rate will be per unit of currency spent on items and ticket voucher redemptions. If Item quantities is selected, the earning rate will be per the quantity of items purchased. If Payment Value Only is selected, the earning rate will be applied to the final payment per unit of currency. Note: Specific items, item classes, or item groups may have their own individual earning adjustments. If the Use Balance Type Overrides and Item Adjustments option is selected, these are used instead of the balance type's earning adjustment to calculate how many units are earned. The number of units earned may also be affected if a points promotion is in effect. |
Redemption Rate |
The exchange rate at which balance type units may be converted to currency, when the units are used as a payment type at sales channels. For example: to allow members to spend ten units in place of one dollar, enter a Redemption Rate of 0.1. Note: Specific items, item classes, or item groups may have their own individual redemption adjustments. If the Use Balance Type Overrides and Item Adjustments option is selected, these are used instead of the balance type's redemption adjustment to calculate how many balance type units must be spent for each unit of currency. |
Can Redeem for Item Tax |
Determines whether points from this balance type can be used to pay for item tax. |
Earning Calculation Schedule |
Determines when balance types are calculated. At Purchase - Earned member points are calculated during a sales transaction. Night Batch - Earned member points are calculated every night, during overnight processing. |
Minimum Delay on Earning (min) |
Earned member points for the transaction or session are calculated overnight if the specified time period (in minutes) has elapsed. Note: This field is only available if Earning Calculation Schedule is set to Night Batch. |
Minimum Delay Basis |
Determines if the Minimum Delay on Earning is based on the transaction time or session time. Transaction - Earned member points are calculated after the specified time period (in minutes) has elapsed since the transaction took place. Session - Earned member points are calculated after the specified time period (in minutes) has elapsed since the session took place. Note: Session is only available if Item Group is set to Box Office. |
Number of Decimal Places |
The number of decimal places at which the balance type is recorded. |
Earning Basis |
Determines how balance type units are earned. Item values - balance type units are earned per unit of currency spent on an item. Item values and ticket redemptions - balance type units are earned per unit of currency spent on items and ticket voucher redemptions. Item quantities - balance type units are earned per the quantity of items purchased. Payment Value Only - balance type units are earned on the final payment per unit of currency. |
Include Tax |
Determines whether earning calculations are based on the gross or net value of items. For example: A ticket costs a net price of $10, plus $2 tax. In a balance type with an earning adjustment of 1, the ticket earns: 12 units if Include Tax is selected, or 10 units if Include Tax is cleared. |
Earn Units when Redeeming Units |
Determines whether units are earned on purchases made with loyalty units instead of currency (see Redemption Rate). Fields to enter: Payment Types All Payments - Units are earned as per usual. Non-Points Payments - Units are earned at a rate proportional to the actual payment made. |
Share Units |
If the checkbox is selected, units earned for a transaction will be shared across all members who have swiped a Loyalty card for the transaction. The corresponding dropdown will be available to select the type of rounding used in sharing units. Unit rounding is defined by Number Of Decimal Places. If the checkbox is cleared, units will only be earned by the Primary member loaded against the transaction (the first person to swipe a Loyalty card, or the member the individual items are associated with). Fields to enter: Rounding Round Nearest - Round to the nearest value, as defined by Number of Decimal Places. Round Up - Round units up to the nearest whole number, as defined by Number of Decimal Places. Round Down - Round units down to the nearest whole number, as defined by Number of Decimal Places. |
Limits and Overrides
Option | Description |
Balance Maximum Limit |
The maximum number of points that a member can have on their balance. Points cannot be earned beyond this limit. For example: If the Maximum Limit is configured as 1000, and a member with a current balance of 980 points earns 30 points from a transaction, they will only earn 20 points as their balance will be limited to 1000. |
Maximum Calculations |
Determines the maximum unit calculation: Based on Number of Units - Only a certain number of units/point can be earned per day, session, or transaction. For example: a maximum of 20 units may be earned per day. Based on Quantity of Items - Only a certain number of purchased items will contribute to earning units. For example:units can only be earned on 3 items per day. If 4 items are purchased, only 3 of the items will earn units. The items that earn units (either the items with the highest or lowest value) are determined by Loyalty Setting MaximumPointsEarnedQuantity. Based on Number of Transactions - Only a certain number of transactions will contribute to earning units. For example: units can only be earned on 3 transactions per day. If a member swipes their card for a 4th transaction, it will not earn units/points. |
Maximum per Transaction |
If Maximum Calculations is set to Based on Number of Points: The maximum number of units that a member can earn during a sales transaction. If Maximum Calculations is set to Based on Quantity of Items: The maximum number of items a member can earn units on during a sales transaction. |
Maximum per Session |
If Maximum Calculations is set to Based on Number of Points: The maximum number of units that a member can earn per session. If Maximum Calculations is set to Based on Quantity of Items: The maximum number of items a member can earn units on (per session) when an item is purchased with Box Office tickets. |
Maximum per Day |
If Maximum Calculations is set to Based on Number of Points: The maximum number of units that a member can earn per day. If Maximum Calculations is set to Based on Quantity of Items: The maximum number of items a member can earn units on per day. If Maximum Calculations is set to Based on Number of Transactions: The maximum number of transactions a member can earn units on per day. A day for this purpose refers to the Business Day as determined by the system setting StartTimeOfDay. A day is calculated according to the transaction time at the sales channel. For example: The POS terminal or the Vista Web server. |
Use Balance Type Earning Overrides and Item Adjustments |
Determines whether unit calculations are based on other individual earning adjustments such as those on the item or item class, instead of using the adjustments of this balance type. This option is ignored when the setting Earn points on payment is in effect. |
Enables earning rates to be altered on a conditional basis. |
Use Balance Type Redemption Overrides |
Determines whether redemption rate overrides can be applied to the balance type for specified item classes. |
Show Balance Type Override Settings |
Opens a screen for applying redemption rate overrides to specified item classes. Note: The Redemption Rate is automatically set to 0, meaning that no points belonging to the balance type can be redeemed for items of that item class. |
Expired Members Earn Units |
If the checkbox is selected, expired members will continue to earn points towards the balance type from transactions. If the checkbox is cleared, expired members will not earn points. |
Pilot Programme |
Determines the Pilot Programme in which this Balance Type is available. |
Option | Description |
Units Expire |
Determines whether units in this balance type expire. |
Expiry Start |
Determines the earning period of the balance type units. Sign Up Date - Balance type units will be earned from the date the member signed up to the Loyalty scheme until the Validity Period has been completed. Start of Year - Balance type units will be earned from the start of the year until the Validity Period has been completed. Membership Anniversary Date - Balance type units will be earned from the date the member renewed their Loyalty membership until the Validity Period has been completed. Reset Based on Last Transaction Date - Balance Type units will be valid from the date of the last transaction until the end of the specified Validity Period. |
Validity Period includes Earning Interval |
Determines if the Validity Period is calculated from the beginning or the end of the Earning Interval. |
Earning Interval |
Specifies the period over which earned points are grouped together. Earned points can be grouped by Day, Week, Month or Year. |
Validity Period |
Specifies the time period in which earned points will expire (once the time period has elapsed). The validity period can be set to Day, Week, Month or Year. |
Save Balance Type |
Saves the balance type. |
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