This report is intended to be run over the period of a week. The report shows the revenue that each film generated for each day in the week of the date period selected. Current week, previous weeks' totals and the revenue generated by the film since the date it started showing are reported. Weekly differences in revenue between films are displayed as percentages as well as monetary values. All figures displayed in this report are Net and all percentages are rounded up to the nearest percent.
Additionally a second report summarises information including the number of Admits, Net Box office generated by each film and the average ticket price. The percentage of sales and occupancy that each film accounted for out of all films showing in the selected date period is also included.
Note: The key difference between this report and the Performance Report is that the Occupancy Rate in this report does not include Complimentaries.
Report Prompts
Prompt | Description |
Date Range |
The report can be run over the period selected by the user and will only display sales data that relates to concessions sold during the selected period. |
Cinema |
For sites that operate more than one cinema, users have the option of running the report for a single cinema, rather than the entire site. In this case only sales data for the selected cinema will be calculated and displayed. |
Terms Used
Term | Description |
Week |
The number of weeks that the film has been screening for. |
Fri/Sat/Sun/Mon (etc) |
The Net Revenue generated by a film on the respective day. |
Current Week |
The total Net Revenue generated from a film in the week selected. |
Last Week |
The total Net Revenue generated by the film in the week preceding the selected one. |
Life To Date |
The total Net Revenue generated by the film for all the weeks that it has been screening. |
Weekly Diff |
The difference between Net Revenue generated in the previous week and Net Revenue generated in the selected week for the respective film. Note: This is calculated from figures in the Total row, as opposed to columns directly above. This is not an average. |
Weekly Diff % |
The percentage that revenue has increased/decreased in the current week in comparison to the last weeks total. This is calculated by dividing Weekly Diff by Last Week and multiplying by 100. Note: Totals of the aforementioned fields appear in the last row. This is calculated from figures in the Total row, as opposed to columns directly above. This is not an average. |
Paid Admits |
Refers to all Voucher redemptions and Ticket Sales made in the date period selected. Comps are not included. |
Gross Box Office |
Net Box Office (NBO) |
The Net revenue received from ticket sales and redemptions for this film. This is the Gross Box Office minus any tax incurred on the transactions. |
Average Gross Ticket Price |
Average Net Ticket Price (ATP) |
Net Box Office revenue generated by the respective film divided by Paid Admits. |
% Sales |
The percentage of revenue that the respective film accounted for as a total of all the Net Revenue generated in the selected week. This is calculated by dividing Net Box Office by Total Net Box Office and multiplying by 100. |
% Occupancy |
The percentage of people that paid to see the respective film as a total of all films. This is calculated by dividing Paid Admits by Total Admits and multiplying by 100. Note: Totals for the fields mentioned above appear in the last row of the report. This rate does not include Complimentaries. |
See also:
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