Voucher details
- Select Create voucher type.
- Enter a Name for the voucher type.
Tip! Enter a descriptive name that tells you about the voucher type at a glance.
- Enter a Voucher code.
Note: The voucher code will become the prefix of the barcode for all gift cards of this type. Ensure that the voucher code is within the range of the start and end strings set on the card definition.
- Select Gift Card as the Type of voucher you're creating.
Expiry settings
- Select how the expiry date is calculated.
Calculate on sale means the redemptions will expire after a particular length of time from the date on which the voucher is sold.
Calculate on printing date means the redemptions will expire after a particular length of time from the date on which the voucher is printed.
No expiry means the redemptions can be used at any time in the future. If you choose this option, the following expiry settings will become disabled.
- Enter a number into the Expiry unit field to determine the number of Days or Months for which the voucher is valid after the event specified above.
- Choose whether or not to Set the expiry dates to the end of the month during which the voucher expires.
- Choose whether or not the Sales channel can override expiry date on sale.
When selected, this affects vouchers sold at POS. POS will prompt the operator with the option to change the expiry date to a different one from that configured on the voucher type.
- Enter redemption values for the gift card.
These determine the minimum and maximum amounts that can be redeemed from the gift card per transaction.
- Select the sales channels via which the gift card can be used for redemptions.
Select All other if you want to sell the voucher type via a sales channel not listed here. This allows the voucher type to be redeemed via any other sales channel that you have defined in Sales Channels in Head Office or Cinema Manager.
- If you want the expiry date to be extended when the gift card is used, select Extend validity period on redemption.
Note: Don't select this option if you have selected No expiry above.
Card features
- If you want to allow funds on the gift card to be redeemed for cash, select Allow cashout.
- Select Partial approval to allow the approval of insufficient funds on the gift card to pay for a portion of the overall transaction. The outstanding transaction amount can be covered via another payment method.
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