This report shows any exceptional circumstances that occur for staff time, including clock on/clock off errors, work outside rostered shifts, and overtime earnings.
Report Prompts
Prompt | Description |
Business Day |
Determines the date range for which labour data is generated and shown in the report. Select the dates in the To and From fields. |
Cinema |
The cinema for which staff time data is generated and shown in the report. Select All to include staff time data from all cinemas at a site. |
Exception Conditions |
This field determines the type of exceptional staff time circumstances that you wish to include in the report. Select from the options from the dropdown menu. All: Include all the staff time exceptions. ClockOn-NoClockOff: Include only instances where an employee has clocked on but has not clock off. ClockOff-NoClockOn: Include only instances where an employee has clocked off but has not clocked back on. Logon-NoClockOn/Off: Include instances where an employee has logged on, but has not clocked on or off. Rostered-NoClockOn/Off: Include only instances where an employee is rostered for a shift, but has not clocked on or clocked off for that shift. Manually Entered: Includes only staff times that have been manually entered in Staff Time. Daily Overtime: Include only instances where Daily Overtime has been earned by an employee. Weekly Overtime: Include instances where Weekly Overtime has been earned by an employee. Consecutive Day Overtime: Include only instances where Consecutive Overtime has been earned by an employee. Reporting Time: Include only instances where Reporting Time has been earned by an employee. |
Terms Used
Term | Description |
User name |
The name of the employee for whom staff time data is generated. |
User ID |
The employee's user identification number that is used to clock on and clock off. |
Employee Code |
The unique 10-digit Employee Code, as configured in Employee maintenance in Staff Scheduling. |
Work Area |
The work area in which the employee worked on the selected date(s). |
Rostered Clock On |
The rostered clock on time for the employee's shift. |
Rostered Clock Off |
The rostered clock off time for the employee's shift. |
Rostered Hours |
The number of hours the employee was rostered on shift. |
Actual Clock On |
The real time that an employee clocks off their shift. |
Actual Clock Off |
The real time that an employee clocks on to their shift. |
Actual Hours |
The real hours the employee worked, calculated from the Actual Clock Off and Actual Clock On times. |
Exception Conditions |
Select the required option from the Exception Conditions dropdown menu. |
See also:
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