This report displays a detailed breakdown of staff hours for the dates and cinema sites selected. Paid hours shown include all standard and overtime hours.
Report Prompts
Prompt | Description |
Business Day |
Determines the date range for which labour data is generated and shown in the report. Select the dates in the To and From fields. |
Cinema |
The cinema for which staff time data is generated and shown in the report. Select All to include staff time data from all cinemas at a site. |
Work Area |
The work area for which the hourly labour data is generated and shown in the report. |
Status |
Determines the staff time entries included in the report on the basis of its status. The status of staff time entries can be changed in Back Office > Staff Time Management > Staff Times for Open, Approved, and Review Required entries. All: All staff time entries are included. Rostered: Include only staff times from scheduled shifts. Open: Include only staff time entries that are Open. Approved: Include only staff time entries that are approved. Review required: Include only staff time entries that require review. |
Manually Entered |
Determines whether times that have been manually entered in Staff Time are included in the report. All: Includes both manually-entered staff times and calculated staff times. No: Include only calculated staff times. Yes: Include only manually-entered staff times. |
Uploaded |
Determines whether staff times that have been uploaded to Head Office are included in the report. All: Include all staff times, regardless of whether they have been uploaded to Head Office or not. No: Include only staff times that have not been uploaded to Head Office. Yes: Include only staff times that have been uploaded to Head Office. |
Include Staff Breaks |
Determines whether staff breaks are included in the report. |
Terms Used
Prompt | Description |
Clock On |
The time that an employee clocks on to their shift. |
Clock Off |
The time that an employee clocks off their shift. |
Hours Total |
The total number of hours the employee worked for the specified business day. |
Hours Unpaid |
The total number of unpaid hours the employee worked for the specified business day. |
Hours Reporting |
The number of Reporting Hours the employee earned. Hours Reporting is displayed only if Reporting Time is enabled via Staff Time Breakdown Configuration. |
Manual Entry |
Indicates staff time records that were manually submitted via Staff Times in Back Office. |
Uploaded |
Indicates staff time records that have been uploaded to Head Office. |
Status |
Indicates the status of the staff time record in the report. |
See also:
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