The Insights page in Cinema Manager gives you a quick overview of how your cinema is performing with a number of gadgets.
Go to Cinema Manager > Insights to view this information.
Box Office KPIs
The top four boxes on the Insights page display the following data:
- Admits Today: The total number of admits today. This includes paid bookings for sessions later in the day.
- Average Ticket Price: The total gross box office revenue divided by the total number of admits.
- Tickets sold as Comps: The number and percentage of today's tickets that have been given as comps.
- Refunded Tickets Value: The total value of number of tickets refunded today.
The Showtimes gadget shows the upcoming session times for your 5 most recently released films. Each row represents a film showing on a particular screen, and session times are displayed alongside a gauge of the session's occupancy.
If a film has lots of very high-occupancy sessions, you might schedule extra sessions to cater for demand or schedule sessions in a larger screen. If a film has low-occupancy sessions, you might use this as an early indicator of its popularity and adjust your schedule accordingly.
Corporate bookings
This gadget lists all your upcoming and in-progress corporate bookings, with details such as the event's start time, number of guests, and film.
Use this to keep an eye on bookings that will need your attention; particularly those with large numbers of guests, or those with food orders.
Top films by Box Office gross
This gadget shows your five highest earning films for the current day or week to date. Hover over any film to see admits, occupancy percentage, and average ticket price for that film.
Use this gadget to see which films your patrons are most interested in watching. This could influence marketing and scheduling decisions.
Note: Revenue from advance sales will only be counted on the day of that film session, not on the day of sale.
This gadget shows today's total admits, as well as admits for the last seven days.
Use this to see how your occupancy is trending over the course of a week. It's useful to compare today with the same day last week, as your occupancy will generally vary over a week, but should remain largely consistent week-on-week.
Upcoming session occupancy
This gadget shows the occupancy percentage for your five highest occupied sessions.
Use this gadget as a quick indicator of how busy your cinema will be at key times in the near future. This could influence your staffing and even whether you need to schedule extra sessions for certain films. If occupancy is consistently very low, you might consider closing screens to reduce staffing, cleaning, power, and air conditioning costs. Identify ways of increasing numbers of admits during low-occupancy periods, such as extra marketing, promotions for mid-week movies, and group sales.
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