There a number of system settings that can be used customise the cashup process. The system settings related to the cashup process largely focus on security and preventing human error.
Setting | Allowed Values | Description |
AutoOpenPOSSCashierRpt |
Determines whether the Cashier Session Report opens or prints when cashing up a POS session. |
EnforceFloatControl |
Yes Drop to source fund No |
Sets the level of float control: Yes: The float can only be dropped to the source fund and must be dropped in full before cash up. Float adjustments cannot be made. Drop to source fund: Float drops and POS adjustments can be made, but the float can only be dropped to the source fund. Float decreases are restricted to returning cash to the source fund. POS adjustments cannot reduce the value of the POS session below the float amount. No: Float drops and adjustments are not restricted. |
FinalCashUpRequiresWitness |
No witness required Witness required, must be POS user Witness required, must be same Witness required, must be different
Choose one of the Witness Required options to display the Confirm Cashup window when a user clicks the Final Cash Up button on the POS Session Maintenance form while cashing up a Session. The witness will be required to enter a user name and PIN/password. No witness required Witness required, must be POS user Witness required, can be same Witness required, must be different |
FloatDropMustEqualFloatIssued |
Yes No
Determines whether the value entered when making a float drop POS Adjustment must be equal to the value of the float issued. |
See also:
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