Customer Ratings are measurements of how well your patrons enjoyed their visit at your cinema. Loyalty member patrons can give ratings from Vista Digital.
Patrons can leave a 1–10 star rating for their film, food and drinks, and overall experience, as well as comments about each. They can also leave a 'like' or 'dislike' rating for any viewed film trailers.
Cinemas gain the following abilities:
- Track the popularity of current films.
- Gauge interest in upcoming films based on positive or negative ratings of trailers.
- Revise schedules and marketing based on ratings.
- Improve customer experience at particular sites.
- Sell ratings information to distributors.
- Eliminate staffing costs of traditional exit polls.
Patrons gain the following abilities:
- Track which movies they've watched and how they rated them.
- Track which trailers they liked, and which cinemas offered the best food and experience.
- Provide feedback to cinemas, so they can improve patron experience.
You can view individual customer ratings on the Add/Modify Member page of the Loyalty website.
See also:
- Configure customer rating types
- Creating a push notification to prompt ratings
- Creating a push notification to prompt ratings
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