May 2024
New Features
We've improved the film programming experience for exhibitors operating in multiple countries or regions. If the countries or regions you're operating in start their film weeks on different days, you'll benefit from the following enhancements:
- The Circuit Planning page now displays the site-level week start day where appropriate
- Bulk actions now account for your various sites' film-week start days
- You can filter sites by film-week start day on the Booking Chart and Circuit Planning action pages
- When creating and updating holdovers, you can now view combined figures for the last film-week's start day and weekend
The Refresh price cards button now has two options: Suggest price cards and Refresh price cards. Use the suggest option to update session price cards to Vista's best suggestions.
Circuit Planning continues to function as expected when you send a holdover for a week outside of the weeks visible in Circuit Planning.
The quick access bar no longer overlaps the last cinema row in Showtime Manager when sessions are selected in quick succession.
The film poster now appears as expected on the Film overview page.
Circuit Planning is no longer highlighted on the navigation pane when viewing Holdover or Showtime Manager pages.
Data Integrity
Zeros variances now appear as expected in Film Hire Audit report when Show zero variances is selected.
Attributes are no longer duplicated in the Films Without Contract Assigned report.
Database validation issues no longer prevent you from importing a new film from the release schedule tab in Film Manager.
We've fixed an issue that meant films couldn't be imported from MovieXChange due to an unexpected field in the MovieXchange data.
Sessions with sold tickets are now correctly sent to the Head Office database after sessions are swapped and seats reallocated.
Screen mappings now load correctly in the select screens step when using Remember these screen mappings in Bulk Copy in Showtime Manager.
Refresh price cards now updates price cards to the new version as expected, even when a price card has a future version that is effective from a previous showtime manager week.
Saving a session in Showtime Manager with no sales channels selected no longer results in an error, and the session can now be saved to Head Office as expected.
The Future Plan Bulk Copy wizard now respects site-specific and new-release period attributes when copying film bookings.
The Film Hire Payment form no longer misses records when a contract adjustment had been done and the form is filtered by status.
Removing an attribute from multiple selected sessions in Showtime Manager no consistently works as expected. Previously, issues could occur when using the Session properties panel to remove an attribute defined on some, but not all, of the selected sessions.
The update button on the movieXchange mapping form on the release schedule page is now unavailable until all required fields are completed. This change prevents users from clicking update before all required fields had values, an action that caused the film import to fail.
The Future Planning button no longer appears on the Holdover page in Screen Mode because the Future Planning page is not supported in Screen Mode.
Showtime Manager users can now select or edit the cinema operator in a session's properties, even when the system setting LockCinemaOnSession is set to No.
Showtime Manager shortcut keys are now ignored while users are typing in the search bar of the price cards dropdown in the quick access bar.
The Showtime Manager film palette is no longer open by default.
Daylight saving time no longer prevents the vertical bar in Showtime Manager from indicating the correct time.
The occupancy tab in the Historic Insights panel in Showtime Manager now shows total admits vs total seats, and average percentage data is calculated correctly.
When doing a Fill or Copy Last Week on the Film Manager Holdover page using legacy bookings, and when there are no bookings in the Playing section, users no longer need to click save twice before the page saved.
Navigating to the Dashboard from Circuit Planning, Holdover or Future Planning no longer resets the date to All Sites. Instead the system respects any previous Planning Group option selection.
We've fixed an issue that sometimes resulted in an error message when users changed the planning group in Holdover in Film Manager.
To let users know about legacy booking data for a planning week in Holdover, notifications now appear in Playing, Advanced Screening, Other Content, and Unassigned.
Users can no longer change data in Future Planning when another user has already opened a week with legacy booking data.
Users can now create new distribution terms when using Adjust Contract in Film Hire Payment.
The Holdover page now loads correctly and does not cause console errors.
When creating a new booking in Corporate Bookings, search results for the Film field now include only films with an active status.
Where available, generated film forecasts are now displayed on the booking chart.
Film Manager's Booking Chart now loads sites correctly, loading three sites per page.
Showtime Manager now retains existing information in the External Code field when a session is saved.
When you select Showtime Manager from the menu, the menu item is highlighted correctly.
Default start date set for new bookings created in Booking Chart will now be consistent with other places in Film Manager.
Sessions for the week are correctly saved in the Head Office database when changing a regular film to a marathon film.
We added the new system setting BookingChartSitePaginationLimit to set the number of sites loaded per page in Booking Chart.
We've fixed a Showtime Manager issue that prevented sessions from being added or edited when a site's Service Framework service was older than version 5.0.12.
Showtime Manager correctly saves sessions even when there is a session identification conflict with Head Office.
On the Booking Chart, when the DisplayCodeForCinemaAndSite system setting is set to "No", sites are now ordered alphabetically, rather than by site code.
Translations are now correct throughout the seat swap flow in Showtime Manager.
Read-only users can now access Showtime manager without seeing a permission-related error.
We fixed an issue that could result in a database connection issue while starting the MasterData service.
We've enhanced session swap messaging to provide clear guidance to users on updates in session status and seat swap requirements.
When switching planning groups on the Film Manager Dashboard, the 'Alternate Start Day' column now appears correctly in the Top Engagements and Top Performing Sites dashboards.
October 2023
The film poster now appears correctly on the Film overview page.
Circuit Planning is no longer highlighted on the navigation pane when viewing Holdover or Showtime Manager pages.
Data Integrity
We've fixed an issue that prevented films being imported from MovieXChange.
Sessions with sold tickets are now correctly sent to the Head Office database after sessions are swapped and seats reallocated.
Sessions are now properly saved to Head Office when you change a session's film to a marathon.
We added the new system setting BookingChartSitePaginationLimit to set the number of sites loaded per page in Booking Chart.
When scrolling through the Booking Chart site list, reaching the end of the list now loads the next page.
Showtime Manager's vertical time bar now updates immediately to reflect daylight savings time changes.
It's now possible to create new distribution terms when using Adjust Contract in Film Hire Payment.
Inactive films are no longer offered in film search results when creating corporate bookings.
The Holdover page now loads with the correct site info when a user changes the site on the Future Planning page.
Where available, generated film forecasts are now displayed on the booking chart.
Film Manager's Booking Chart now loads sites correctly, loading 3 sites per page.
Showtime Manager now retains existing information in the External Code field when a session is saved.
When you select Showtime Manager from the menu in Film Manager, the menu item is highlighted correctly.
Read-only users can now access Showtime manager without seeing a permission-related error.
February 2023
The Weekly Film Hire report can now be filtered by circuit, allowing you to view the report for a specific circuit.
We've updated Film Manager's appearance. You'll notice its look and feel is now more in-line with your other Vista products.
- The Group Sales Financial Summary report has a new filter for Status Reason. Now, you can not only filter the report according to events' current status, but also the reason for that status. The status reason is also appended to the event's status on the report itself, for extra visibility.
- In Showtime Manager the quick access bar no longer obscures the last cinema row
- Errors importing new film from the release schedule tab in Film Manager have been fixed
- In Showtime Manager it's now possible to edit a session's cinema operator when the setting LockCinemaOnSession is set to No
- Shortcut key actions in Showtime Manager (for example CTRL-C to copy the selected sessions) no longer take effect when performed inside the price cards search box
- Attributes are no longer duplicated when running the Films Without Contract Assigned report
- The list of Film Hire Payment records filtered by status no longer omits records when a contract adjustment had been done
- In Showtime Manager's Session properties panel, attributes can now be removed from multiple selected sessions
- The movieXchange mapping form now requires all fields to be completed before clicking Update, preventing import failures.
- The Future Planning button is no longer available in the Holdover page in Screen Mode
- Zero variances now appear correctly in the Film Hire Audit report.
- Screen mappings now load correctly when using Remember these screen mappings in Bulk Copy in Showtime Manager
- Refresh Price Cards now correctly updates price card versions if a price card had a future version that was effective from a previous showtime manager week
- The Refresh price cards button now also offers the option to choose suggested price cards
- Saving a session in Showtime Manager with no sales channels selected no longer results in an error
- The Future Plan Bulk Copy wizard now correctly handles site-specific and new-release period attributes when copying film bookings
- In Booking Chart, updating a print number for a film with an existing advance screening booking no longer creates a duplicate advance screening booking
- In Booking Chart, adding bookings for an alternate content film now assigns the booking to the correct booking slot
- Times for sessions now display correctly when their attributes include Cyrillic characters
- In the film mapping modal in movieXchange, the Create button for the Distributor field is now displayed correctly
- Incremental film hire accruals now post correct figures following contract changes that update the film hire code (for example, if film hire was calculated per screen but is now calculated per cinema)
- It's no longer possible to delete sessions that were previously associated with bookings
- Companion seats marked broken are no longer available for patrons to select in any sales channel
- Broken seats can no longer be sold in moved sessions
- The CSV export of the Weekly Session Listing report in Showtime Manager now includes missing session information
- The Weekly Session Listing report can now be filtered to include sessions with one or more attributes
- Film hire calculations no longer display an error if there are more than 1,000 sales in a day.
- The warning can no longer be ignored when attempting to navigate away from either the Film details tab or the Booking Chart while you have unsaved changes
- The Box office category is now visible when viewing alternate (ALT) content bookings in the holdover
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