Filename: Cashup.txt
Field Name | Description | Available in sections |
ACTUALBREAKDURATION | The actual duration of breaks taken. | Workshift: WorkshiftDetail |
ACTUALENDTIME | The actual time that the staff member clocked off. | Workshift: WorkshiftDetail |
ACTUALSHIFTDURATION | The actual duration of the shift based on clock on and clock off times. | Workshift: WorkshiftDetail |
ACTUALSTARTTIME | The actual time that the staff member clocked on. | Workshift: WorkshiftDetail |
ACTUALTOTALBREAKS | The actual total duration of all breaks taken on that business date. | Workshift: WorkshiftHeader |
ACTUALTOTALHOURS | The actual total hours worked on that business date. | Workshift: WorkshiftHeader |
ADJUSTMENTCOUNT | The number of Tab adjustment lines to print | Tab adjustments: AdjustmentHeader, AdjustmentDetail, AdjustmentFooter |
Description of each type of tab adjustment. Example: Poor Service. |
Tab adjustments: AdjustmentDetail |
ADJUSTMENTLINE | The line number of the tab adjustment line being printed | Tab adjustments: AdjustmentDetail |
ADJUSTMENTTOTAL | Total of all tab adjustments | Tab adjustments: AdjustmentHeader, AdjustmentDetail, AdjustmentFooter |
ADJUSTMENTVALUE | Tab adjustment value | Tab adjustments: AdjustmentDetail |
CARDAMOUNT | The amount charged to the credit or gift card |
Credit cards: CreditCardDetail Gift cards: GiftCardDetail |
CARDCOUNT | The number of credit card or gift card lines to print. |
Credit cards: CreditCardHeader, CreditCardDetail, CreditCardFooter Gift cards: GiftCardHeader, GiftCardDetail, GiftCardFooter |
CARDLINE | The line number of the current credit card or gift card line being printed. |
Credit cards: CreditCardDetail Gift cards: GiftCardDetail |
CARDNUMBER | 7452 | The last 4 digits of the credit card or gift card used to make the transaction. |
Type of credit or gift card. Example: Visa. |
Credit cards: CreditCardDetail Gift cards: GiftCardDetail |
CASHTOTAL | Total amount of payments recorded as being by cash. | Main body: Header, Details, Footer |
CINEMA | Name of cinema (as defined in Short Name field) | Main body: Header, Details, Footer |
CINEMAFULL | The full cinema name, as defined in Maintenance > Sites > Name. | Main body: Header, Details, Footer |
CINEMAFULLALT | The full name of the cinema in an alternate language, as defined in Maintenance > Sites > Name > Alternate Language. | Main body: Header, Details, Footer |
CINEMASHORT | The short cinema name, as defined in Maintenance > Sites > Short Name. | Main body: Header, Details, Footer |
CINEMASHORTALT | The short name of the cinema in an alternate language, as defined in Maintenance > Sites > Short Name > Alternate Language. | Main body: Header, Details, Footer |
CLASSCOUNT | The number of Item Classes to print | Sales by item class: SalesByClassHeader, SalesByClassDetail, SalesByClassFooter |
CLASSDESC | Item Class description | Sales by item class: SalesByClassDetail |
CLASSLINE | The line number of the item class being printed | Sales by item class: SalesByClassDetail |
CLASSTOTALGROSS | Total of all Item Classes (Gross) | Sales by item class: SalesByClassHeader, SalesByClassDetail, SalesByClassFooter |
CLASSTOTALNET | Total of all item classes (Net) | Sales by item class: SalesByClassHeader, SalesByClassDetail, SalesByClassFooter |
CLASSTOTALTAX | Total tax of all item classes | Sales by item class: SalesByClassHeader, SalesByClassDetail, SalesByClassFooter |
CLASSVALUE | Item class value | Sales by item class: SalesByClassDetail |
The total net sales of concession items (such as food and merchandise), including ticket fees. Note: For regions that have multiple tax rates, the addition of this field ensures that the tip share percentage can be correctly calculated. |
Main body: Header, Details, Footer Tip: Add this field to CalcFields to calculate specific proportions of tips. |
CREDITCARDTIPS | Total Amount of Tips recorded for credit card payments | Main body: Header, Details, Footer |
CREDITCARDTIPSAUTO | Total Amount of Automatic Gratuity Tips recorded for credit card payments | Main body: Header, Details, Footer |
CREDITCARDTOTAL | Total Amount of Payments recorded as being by Credit Card | Main body: Header, Details, Footer |
DISCOUNTCOUNT | Number of discount types to print | Discounts: DiscountHeader, DiscountDetail, DiscountFooter |
DISCOUNTDESC | Discount type description | Discounts: DiscountDetail |
DISCOUNTLINE | The line number of the current discount line being printed | Discounts: DiscountDetail |
DISCOUNTTOTAL | Total of all discount types | Discounts: DiscountHeader, DiscountDetail, DiscountFooter |
DISCOUNTVALUE | Discount value type | Discounts: DiscountDetail |
FLOATSTOTAL | Float Outstanding being Opening Float + Float Increases - Float Returned - Drops. Will be $0.00 if all floats returned during shift | Main body: Header, Details, Footer |
NUMBEROFGUESTS | Total Number of Guests handed by this POS Session | Main body: Header, Details, Footer |
NUMBEROFTABS | Total Number of Tabs Owned by this POS Session | Main body: Header, Details, Footer |
OPERATOR | POS User Number | Main body: Header, Details, Footer |
OTHERTOTAL | Total Amount of Payments recorded as being by all other Payment Types (not including Cash, Credit Cards or Tabs Owing) | Main body: Header, Details, Footer |
PAIDBREAKDURATION | The paid break duration, which may differ from the Actual break duration. | Workshift: WorkshiftDetail |
PAIDENDTIME | The paid end time of the shift, which may differ from the Actual clock off time. | Workshift: WorkshiftDetail |
PAIDSHIFTDURATION | The paid duration of the shift, which may differ from the Actual duration based on clock on and clock off time. | Workshift: WorkshiftDetail |
PAIDSTARTIME | The paid start time of the shift, which may differ from the Actual clock on time. | Workshift: WorkshiftDetail |
PAIDTOTALBREAKS | The paid total duration of all breaks taken on that business date, which may differ from the Actual amount. | Workshift: WorkshiftHeader |
PAIDTOTALHOURS | The paid total hours of all shifts worked on that business date, which may differ from the Actual amount. | Workshift: WorkshiftHeader |
PAYMENTCOUNT | The number of payment types to print | Payments: PaymentHeader, PaymentDetails, PaymentFooter |
Payment type description. Example: Cash. |
Payments: PaymentDetail |
PAYMENTLINE | Number of the payment line being printed | Payments: PaymentDetail |
PAYMENTTOTAL | Total of all payment types | Payments: PaymentHeader, PaymentDetail, PaymentFooter |
PAYMENTVALUE | Payment type value | Payments: PaymentDetail |
POSSESSION | POS Session number | Main body: Header, Details, Footer |
POSSESSIONCOMMENT | A comment assigned to the Session in POS. | Main body: Details |
PRINTNUMBER | The version number of this Cash Up Slip. If this is the second time printed for the POS Session will be 2 | Main body: Header, Details, Footer |
SHIFTDATE | The business date of the shift. | Workshift: WorkshiftDetail |
SVCTOTAL | Total Amount of Payments recorded as being by Gift Cards | Main body: Header, Details, Footer |
SYSTEMDATE | Date at time of printing | Main body: Header, Details, Footer |
SYSTEMTIME | Time at time of printing | Main body: Header, Details, Footer |
TABTOTAL | Total amount of Tabs not paid off or transfers to other staff | Main body: Header, Details, Footer |
TIPAMOUNT | Credit card tip amount | Credit cards: CreditCardDetail |
TIPAMOUNTAUTO | Credit card automatic gratuity tip amount | Credit cards: CreditCardDetail |
TIPSHARENET | The value of shared tips after tax. | Main body: Details |
TIPSHARETAX | The tax value of shared tips. | Main body: Details |
TIPSOUT | Total Value of Tips Given Out to other Staff | Main body: Header, Details, Footer |
TIPSTOTAL | Total Value of Tips entered | Main body: Header, Details, Footer |
TIPSTOTALAUTO | Total Value of Automatic Gratuity Tips entered | Main body: Header, Details, Footer |
TOTALSALES | Grand Total (Gross) of all Sales | Main body: Header, Details, Footer |
TRANSCOMMENT | The comment assigned to a transaction in POS. | Transaction Comments: TransactionCommentDetail |
TRANSDATE | Credit Card or gift card Transaction Date/Time |
Credit cards: CreditCardDetail Gift cards: GiftCardDetail |
TRANSNUMBER | The ID number of a transaction with a comment assigned in POS. | Transaction Comments: TransactionCommentDetail |
WORKSTATION | Workstation Name | Main body: Header, Details, Footer |
WORKSTATIONGROUP | Workstation Group Name | Main body: Header, Details, Footer |
See also:
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