The Monthly Points Summary report in Loyalty provides a summary of Loyalty points that have been earned and redeemed over a range of months, broken down according to the Item Groups they were earned and redeemed for.
Points redeemed for the uptake of a recognition are allocated to the Item Group the recognition item belonged to.
The report also provides a breakdown of total points for each month, including those earned, redeemed, and expired, and an accrued balance at month-end.
Section 1: Current Points Activity
Term | Description |
Item Group |
The Item Group of the Items for which points have been earned or redeemed: Box Office, Concessions, Discount, Other. |
Points Earned |
The number of points earned, based on the Item Group of the transaction items they were earned from. |
Points Redeemed |
The number of points redeemed for each Item Group within each month. Note: Points redeemed via a recognition are allocated to the Item Group of the Item in the transaction. Points redeemed via a points payment are distributed proportionately across the entire transaction. |
Points Expired |
The total number of points that expired during each month. |
NET (Earned - Redeemed - Expired) |
The points that remain at the end of the month after deducting redeemed and expired points. |
Section 2: Recognition Uptake (Current and Historic)
Term | Description |
Name |
The name of the recognition. Note: Only recognitions that cost points are included in the report. |
Quantity Redeemed |
The total number of redemptions of this recognition within the period. |
Total Spent Points |
The total number points spent on this recognition within the period. |
Section 3: Historic Points Activity
Term | Description |
Points Earned |
The number of points earned from Items belonging to all Item Groups within the month. |
Points Redeemed |
The number of points redeemed for Items belonging to all Item Groups within the month. |
Points Expired |
Total number of points expired within the month. |
Active Points for the Month |
The points that remain at the end of the month after deducting redeemed and expired points. |
Accrued Balance |
Total number of active points at the end of each month. (Includes the balance from the month before.) |
See also:
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