The Cashier Reconciliation Report in Head Office shows information about users, their workstation status and transactions divided into payment groups. Log on and log off time are shown for each user. In addition, variance, adjusts and a closing balance data is included.
Report prompts
Prompt | Description |
Date Range | Select a start date and end date. This date range determines the cashier information displayed on the report. |
Cinema | Select a specific cinema or all cinemas. Cashier reconciliation information displayed will depend on the cinema selected. |
User Name | Select a specific user or all users. Cashier reconciliation information will only be displayed for the users selected. |
Currency for Display | The currency that figures in the report will be displayed in. This is either the currency that the cinema uses or the currency that Head Office uses. |
Include Remote Sales | Include or exclude remote sales cashier reconciliation information on the report. Selecting Yes will display the remote sales and No will not display the remote sales. |
Terms used
Term | Description |
POS Session No |
The unique number that is created each time a new POS session is created. The number increases incrementally in order of operators being logged on. |
User Name |
Refers to the operator's name that has been entered into the system. This is set up in User Maintenance. |
Workstation |
Refers to the name of the individual workstation that an operator is using to make transactions e.g. CONC508. This workstation is part of a workstation group- e.g. Concessions. This is set up in Workstation Maintenance. |
Payment Group |
The groups that different payment types have been assigned to. For example, American Express and Visa are Payment Types which fall under the Payment Group Credit Cards. In this report, payment types can be reported by the value (monetary amount) and/or quantity of sales. |
Opening Float |
The initial float that each operator has in the till prior to any sales being made. |
Transactions |
The amount and/or quantity of concession/ticket sales and redemptions of vouchers according to the payment group that they were made with. |
Adjusts |
Refers to the amount and/or quantity of payment that has been removed from the workstation. |
Closing Balance |
The amount/quantity remaining after Adjusts has been subtracted from Transactions. |
Actual Closing |
The physical amount or quantity of transactions remaining in the workstation after cashier reconciliation. |
Cash |
Two figures are displayed in this section. Both Over and Under cash figures will be displayed for the session. These figures indicate differences between closing balances and actual closing. |
Over |
A figure in this column will indicate that the actual closing balance is larger than the expected closing balance. Indicating more money than expected was present for the session. |
Under |
A figure in this column will indicate that the actual closing balance is less than the expected closing balance. Indicating less money than expected was present for the session. |
Total for Cinema |
Total reconciliation report amounts are displayed for each cinema in the report. |
Grand Total |
Overall total reconciliation report amounts are displayed for the report. This is a total of all cinemas in the report. |
See also:
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