To start using Program Inquiry, you'll set up site connection details for each site for which you want to view data.
Before you begin
- Ensure that you have planning groups set up in Film Programming.
- Confirm with Vista support that the Transaction Summariser scheduled task is set up and running regularly.
Installing Program Inquiry
- Install Program Inquiry by running a custom installation of Film Programming 4.5.3 or later. Under the Modules to Install section of the installation wizard, select Program Inquiry.
- Install the HO Cinema Transfer web service version 4.5.3 or later at each cinema. This web service is delivered as part of the Head Office - Cinema package installation.
Setting up connection details
- In Head Office or Film Programming, go to Maintenance > Sites.
- On the Connection Details tab, go to the HO Cinema Transfer Web Service section and enter a valid web service URL.
Example: http://CinemaWebServer/WSVistaHOCinemaTransfer/, where CinemaWebServer is the name of the web server at your cinema.
Repeat these steps for all the sites at which you'll use Program Inquiry.
See also:
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