You can review and manage your trailer schedules in Head Office or Cinema Manager > Maintenance > Trailer Scheduling.
In Trailer Scheduling, click Add Scheduled Films to ensure that every film scheduled to play in any cinema in the selected trailer group over the selected planning week appears in the schedule.
Note: Trailer groups are collections of Cinemas within a circuit that are grouped together for the purpose of trailer scheduling. All Cinemas within a trailer group receive the same trailer schedule.
Trailer Scheduling has two views. Select a view using the toggle button in the ribbon.
- Trailer Group view: Shows the trailer schedules for all films within a single trailer group. Use this view to schedule trailers for all films in a single trailer group.
- Film view: Shows the trailer schedules for a single film across all trailer groups. Use this view to schedule trailers for a single film across all trailer groups at the same time. You can also use this view to create unique trailer schedules for different trailer groups that are playing the same film.
Import sessions for trailer scheduling
To ensure pre-show content is defined for all film bookings or sessions, you can import plans and schedules from the holdover sheet, the program grid, or Program Scheduler.
Note: You must use the Film view to import scheduled films.
- Select a trailer group and planning week.
- Click Import Films.
- Select the application to import film booking data from.
- All film prints booked (for the selected week and for all cinemas in the trailer group) are added to the trailer schedule.
Tip: To streamline workflows, you can restrict Trailer Scheduling to show only the films planned or scheduled in the current planning week. Films are imported automatically and can't be added manually. Use the FILMSCHED system setting in Head Office or Cinema Manager > Maintenance to limit the options in Trailer Scheduling.
Create a trailer schedule
- Click Create.
- Select a planning week.
- In the Trailer Group view, select a trailer group. Or, in the Film view, select a film.
Note: In the Film view, all trailer groups continue to appear, even if you've selected a film that is not playing at one or more of those groups.
- Set the print number for any of the films displayed in the grid.
Note: Setting the print number value to 0 means all prints for that film will have the same pre-show content. Click + to add another print of the film and increment the print number.
- Select a film format.
- Drag and drop trailers for each film, and then move each trailer up or down in the grid to change the sequence of play.
Tip: Select multiple trailers and drag and drop them to bulk copy them to other films.
Copy a trailer schedule from the previous week
If a trailer schedule does not vary significantly from week to week, schedule the selected planning week's trailers by copying the previous week's schedule.
- Select a trailer group.
- Select a planning week.
- Click Copy from Previous Week.
Note: Trailers that are already assigned to some film prints for the current week are not affected when you copy the schedule.
- Drag and drop trailers from the trailer palette to make scheduling changes.
- Move each trailer up or down in the grid to change the order of the trailers assigned to the film.
Send a trailer schedule to a cinema
After you create or update a trailer schedule in Head Office, you can send that schedule to a cinema.
- Click Send to Cinema.
- Select a trailer group or expand a group to select an individual cinema.
- Click OK.
Note: If a film in the trailer schedule doesn't exist at the local cinema level, the download for that cinema skips the film and the relevant trailers.
Trailer schedules created in Head Office are read-only at cinemas and can be viewed in Showtime Manager.
Export trailer schedules
You can export trailer schedules to distribute throughout your organisation.
- Click Export to email.
- If the trailer schedule appears in a new window instead of in an email message, click Copy to Clipboard and paste into your preferred email client.
You can also export trailer schedules to your theatre management system (TMS) for projection. You might need to take this step if your TMS isn't integrated with Vista Projection. Click Export Playlist in the ribbon to create an XML file that you can import into your TMS.
See also:
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