November 2024
New Features
We've made your remote sales channels smarter so that when patrons select concessions with modifiers on unpaid bookings, these modifiers are now saved for when these bookings are collected at POS.
Data Integrity
Information about the card used to purchase tickets is no longer lost after doing a seat swap for a ticket in a booking.
Sales Server now supports recording card payment type names up to 20 characters long on transaction records. This allows better reconciliation of payment types with long names. Previously only 10 characters were stored.
We've fixed an issue that caused an error in Sales Server when taking payment for an order which contained both an item with tax exclusive price and another with a non-tax exclusive price.
Rounding now calculates correctly for all bookings containing a percentage-based booking fee.
The Receipt and Booking Voucher print templates now support the TAXCODE field.
The transaction number is now sent to the receipt number generator when performing a refund using a custom receipt number generator.
Concurrent requests to calculate tax using a tax rule system (system setting TaxRuleSystem) now succeed.
-, Sales Server has been updated to use the latest version of Payment Module. This fixes an issue with card surcharges that could cause payments to fail.
We've fixed an issue which prevented some Loyalty member ticket packages from being redeemed.
The pickup order number is now correctly populated in transactions which include two items in separate deliveries.
We've updated Sales Server's compatibility for some connectors.
Editing a check after adding items that exceed half the value specified by the system settings LimitTabOrderTotal and LimitTabTotal now works correctly.
Sales Server now, correctly, allows patrons to redeem a voucher on its last effective date.
When a new item is added to a check by Serve, Sales Server will now retain any existing recognition sequence numbers for Loyalty-discounted items. This will solve issues with updating Loyalty when the check is closed at POS.
When you have concession profile buttons with zero value IDs, the Web Loader scheduled task no longer fails, and webpage data updates as expected.
Vouchers can now be reissued without error, even when the Redeem Price field for Voucher Price isn't null.
We've improved the Sales Server cleanup scheduled task so that transactions that have been abandoned but cannot be cancelled will no longer cause the task to fail. These transactions will be force-cancelled at an appropriate time depending on the scenario. For example, an abandoned transaction where the session no longer exists because of a screen swap will be cancelled immediately.
We've updated the voucher and gift card query so that when Vista Cinema is under heavy load and an order is being completed, there is less chance of a timeout. Also, Loyalty now won't be updated until after voucher validation, when the transaction has been successfully completed at Cinema.
September 2024
Data Integrity
Sales Server now supports recording card payment type names up to 20 characters long on transaction records. This allows better reconciliation of payment types with long names. Previously only 10 characters were stored.
When a new item is added to a check by Serve, Sales Server will now retain any existing recognition sequence numbers for Loyalty-discounted items. This will solve issues with updating Loyalty when the check is closed at POS.
June 2024
Sales Server has been updated to use the latest version of Payment Module. This fixes an issue with card surcharges that could cause payments to fail.
May 2024
New Features
We've updated the GETSELLINGDATAXML command to accept the parameter SESSIONSINCLUDINGUNOPENED, which lets you retrieve sessions with any status.
We've updated the GETSELLINGDATAXMLEX command to accept the parameter PRICEBOOKS, and we've added a filter called PriceBooks. When both are specified, information about active price books is returned.
We've updated the fields available in Sales Server's order content. Some of the new fields appear on screen, while others do not. The following fields are now available:
- Item_strItemShortDescAlt = Short description (Alternate Language)
- Item_strItemDescription = Description
- Item_strItemDescriptionAlt = Description (Alternate Language)
- Reason_strDescription = Reason
- Reason_strDescriptionAlt = Reason (Alternate Language)
- TType_strShortDescAlt = Short name (Alternate Language)
- TType_strDescription = Description
- TType_strDescriptionAlt = Description (Alternate Language)
The below fields do not appear on screens:
- TransT_curTPATicketFeesEach
- TransT_curTPAValueEach
- TransT_curDiscount
- Reason_strCode
- TransI_curDiscount
- ElementId
- ModifiesElement
Sales Server and the Order Basket Service now support the system setting PriceModeConcessions when set to TaxEXCLUSIVE, and the system setting TaxRuleSystem when set to values other than USA.
Sales Server now supports booking fee overrides with tax-exclusive values with the following endpoints:
- GetSellingDataXMLStream now returns booking fee data with the BOOKINGFEES parameter.
- AddSurchargeEx request accepts booking fee override values per ticket in an order. Booking fee overrides can be tax inclusive or tax exclusive.
Data Integrity
Discounts now appear as expected in general ledger postings in the scenario that a loyalty member makes a purchase through Sales Server and applies a discount where the recognition code was only on the promotion header.
The Web Loader task no longer experiences timeouts or causes a cinema's website to display outdated information for films, tickets, or sessions when Connect requests data from Sales Server.
Converting a POS Designer page to a legacy Concession Tab now results in only one warning message when the number of concessions on the page exceeded the 24-item limit. Previously a message appeared for each item that exceeded the limit.
The Web Loader task no longer fails or causes a cinema's website to display outdated information for films, tickets, or sessions when Connect data such as film descriptions contains invalid characters.
Group Sales no displays line details as expected when a Group Sales booking is paid in advance in full.
Movie information for unopened sessions is no included when a GETSELLINGDATAXMLSTREAM call includes INCLUDEINPROGRESS, MOVIEINFONOWSHOWING, and SESSIONSINCLUDINGUNOPENED.
Information about the card used to purchase tickets is no longer lost after doing a seat swap for a ticket in a booking.
A difference between the ticket fee tax rate and the ticket tax rate no longer prevents the net and tax amounts on tickets and receipts from being calculated correctly.
Booking fees for Marathon film sessions purchased through Connect now appear correctly. Previously, the fees were displayed incorrectly even though the correct payment was taken.
We've fixed an issue that could cause some transactions to not complete following payment in Lumos and other remote sales channels.
We've fixed an issue which prevented some Loyalty member ticket packages from being redeemed.
The Web Loader task no longer experiences timeouts or causes a cinema's website to display outdated information for films, tickets, or sessions when Connect requests data from Sales Server.
XML data pulled from Sales Server is now cleansed correctly, resulting in fewer issues with third-party software that uses the data.
Looking up POS transactions that include an item with a modifier that was selected multiple times and had a recipe no longer takes POS offline.
Rove can now complete transactions, even when unsupported discounts are involved. Previously, an error occurred when a Rove user attempted to complete a transaction and there was a "Variable Price Off" or "Variable Percentage Off" discount configured in the system.
When a card definition without a default revenue offset has card sub-ranges configured for revenue offsets, the revenue offsets from the sub-ranges are now applied as expected.
Collecting a concession booking and beginning kitchen preparation now works as expected even when the booking has been partially refunded.
We've deprecated the GETALLPRICES option for the GetPricesMode system setting. This change prevents the scenario in which changing the GetPricesMode system setting to GETALLPRICES would result in Sales Server using high CPU and memory on the server and cause errors in Web Loader if there were no open sessions. Now, the system returns only prices for sessions that are included in the selling data.
Correct package information is now returned in the scenario that a user changes the contents of item packages in the Cinema database and a Web Loader call to get the selling data is made within 5 minutes of the change.
Error messages now consistently indicate that the order no longer exists when a user attempts to edit a Sales Server order that has already been cancelled by the scheduled cleanup task.
The Receipt and Booking Voucher print templates now support the TAXCODE field.
The transaction number is now sent to the receipt number generator when performing a refund using a custom receipt number generator.
Concurrent requests to calculate tax using a tax rule system (system setting TaxRuleSystem) now succeed.
-, Sales Server has been updated to use the latest version of Payment Module. This fixes an issue with card surcharges that could cause payments to fail.
We've improved the Sales Server cleanup scheduled task so that transactions that have been abandoned but cannot be cancelled will no longer cause the task to fail. These transactions will be force-cancelled at an appropriate time depending on the scenario. For example, an abandoned transaction where the session no longer exists because of a screen swap will be cancelled immediately.
October 2023
Net tax is now printed correctly on tickets and receipts when the ticket fee tax rate and the ticket tax rate are different.
We've fixed an issue where (although correct payment was taken), booking fees for Marathon films did not appear correctly when purchased through the Digital Platform.
We've fixed an issue that could cause some transactions to not complete following payment in Lumos and other remote sales channels.
XML sales data is no longer purged of commas in lists and descriptions, to remain compatible with third party software.
POS no longer goes offline when you look up a transaction that includes an item with a modifier that was selected multiple times, and had a recipe.
Rove is now able to complete transactions when Variable Price Off and Variable Percentage Off discounts are configured in the system.
Revenue offsets from card sub-ranges are now applied even in card definitions without a default revenue offset.
We've fixed an issue where, when collecting a concession booking and beginning kitchen preparation, the booking collection would fail if the booking had been partially refunded.
The system setting GetPricesMode has been made obsolete. This setting had no effect on the sales data returned, and certain values degraded performance or caused problems loading sales data from cinemas.
We've improved the error message that appears when attempting to edit an order that no longer exists due to being cancelled by the scheduled cleanup task.
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