If you have an existing set of price cards in which one price card contains all your ticket types and others have only some of them, you can set the smaller price cards as Derived, nominating the large price card as the base price card.
- In Head Office or Cinema Manager, go to Maintenance > Prices Cards.
- Open the price card you wish to make into a derived price card.
- On the General tab, set the Price Card Type to Derived.
- Select the large price card as the Base Price Card.
If the Derived Price Card includes ticket types not included in the proposed base price card, or if Effective From/To dates of included ticket types do not match, a warning prompt will be displayed and the conversion will not be completed.
Note: An existing standalone price card cannot be selected as the base price card if it currently has future versions. Once the derived price cards linked to the parent base price card, you can then create future versions of the base price card, and the system will create corresponding future versions for all associated derived price cards.
- Click Apply.
- Save the price card record.
- Repeat steps 1–5 for each small Price Card you wish to make into a Derived Price Card.
Note: It may not be possible to have a single base price card to derive all your required price cards. Multiple price card groups with distinct base price cards may be necessary.
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