Price card groups make it easier to manage unique pricing setups. The power of price card versioning increases, as future versions for an entire price card group can be controlled from the single base price card.
The following scenarios are examples of managing unique pricing setups:
Scenario 1
You want to maintain ticket pricing for a particular 'time band' (such as weekday pricing) in a single price list, with specific subgroups of these tickets available under different circumstances.
For example: for Tuesday pricing you want to manage prices for all ticket types (Adult, Adult 3D, Child, Child 3D, Student, Student 3D, etc) in a single list.
You also want to have a Tuesday 3D price card that only includes 3D tickets (Adult/Child/Student 3D) for use with 3D sessions, and you want to have a Tuesday Standard price card that includes standard tickets (Adult/Child/Student) for use with other sessions. When you want to change the pricing of my ticket types, you only want to have to make the change in one place.
Scenario 2
Your price card for Saturday evening has exactly the same ticket prices as the Weekday evening price card. The only difference is that the Saturday evening price card doesn't include some of the ticket types that are available on in the Weekday evening price card.
For example: the Saturday evening price card only includes full-price ticket types (Adult, Child) whereas the Weekday evening price card also includes some discounted ticket types (Student) as well as the full-price ones.
Scenario 3
You have a promotion price card in which tickets have the same prices as the normal weekday price card, but it has some additional promotion tickets. You don't want to have to edit the pricing on both the promotion and standard price cards every time you implement a pricing change.
For example: a School Holidays price card includes the same ticket types with the same prices as the Standard price card, but it also includes a few special promotion tickets for holiday children's films.
Scenario 4
You want to maintain basic ticket pricing from a single price list, and make specific adjustments to ticket prices under different circumstances.
For example: 3D tickets are all $2.00 more than their standard counterparts. You want a single set of ticket types (Adult, Child, Student, etc) that have the standard price for 2D sessions, and for 3D sessions their prices all increase by $2.00 without creating separate ticket types (such as Adult 3D, etc).
Scenario 5
You want to be able to change the base price of standard tickets while automatically maintaining the price difference for premium tickets.
For example: a standard Adult ticket is $12.00 and Adult 3D is $14.00. You want to increase the base Adult price to $15.00 and have the Adult 3D price automatically increase to $17.00 in order to maintain the $2.00 difference for 3D tickets.
See also:
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