Record the details of goods you've received from your vendors. If you're receiving stock that's been transferred from another cinema in your circuit, use the Stock adjustments page to record it.
- On the Stock receipts page, click Receive/Return stock and select the type of stock receipt you want to create:
- Expected receipt: After you've completed a purchase order or received one from your head office, Cinema Manager records the ordered goods as an expected receipt. Select a finalised order as the expected receipt to enter your details against.
- Vendor receipt: Create a vendor receipt to record received goods that haven't been ordered through a purchase order.
- Enter the details of the stock receipt in the header, and choose whether the receipt is tax inclusive or exclusive.
Tip: If you're recording stock you received in the past, you can backdate the receipt by selecting a Receipt date in the past.
- Record each of your received items and their quantity in the grid.
- Submit the receipt.
Tip: Print a Goods receipt note to keep a physical record of what you received.
Note: Receiving stock is a highly customisable process, and your business may have configured Cinema Manager to hide some options related to stock receipts.
See also:
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