This scheduled task recalculates film hire totals whenever post-sale ticket value adjustments (PTSVA) are recalculated. Head Office recalculates PSTVAs each time a PTSVA is edited or data is imported from Vista Cinema.
If the system setting FilmHireAutoRecalcOnPSTVAEdit is enabled, Head Office will create an instance of this task each time the notional value of a PTSVA is changed or data is imported from Vista Cinema. That instance of the task will perform the following updates, then Head Office will delete it:
- Mark sessions associated with film hire records that haven't been exported to invoice as requiring recalculation.
- Automatically create contract adjustments for sessions associated with Film Hire records that have been exported to invoice, to show the updated payable values.
- Recalculate film hire that has previously been adjusted but the adjustment has not yet been exported to invoice.
Tip! We recommend assigning this task to its own task scheduler instance. This helps prevent concurrency issues, which can cause the task to fail.
This task is required if you use PTSVAs, but you don't need to enable it. As long as the task is assigned to the correct instance of task scheduler, Head Office will use it automatically.
Recommended schedule
RecalcBatch |
Determines which film hire values are recalculated. You don't need to enter a value for this parameter. Head Office will edit it as required. |
ThreadCount |
1 |
Determines how many instances of this task can run at the same time. Warning! This value should be set to 1. Other values aren't compatible with this task. |
ErrorEmail |
Any email address |
The email address that this task's errors will be reported to. |
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