You can add discounts to particular ticket types that are included in a particular price card. For example, you may want to have the ability to give a staff discount on adult tickets.
In order to create a discount, you must first create a ticket discounting type.
- Open the Maintenance > Ticket Discounting Type form and create a ticket discounting type.
For example: Staff Discount
- Open the Price Card containing the ticket type you want to create a discount for under Maintenance > Price cards.
- In the Tickets table, select the description of the ticket type you want to configure a discount for.
- Select the Discounts tab from the bottom of the form.
- Select one of the following discount categories:
Percentage Discount - reduces the price of the ticket by a set percentage of the original price.
Price Off - reduces the price of the ticket by a set value.
Fixed Price - offers the ticket at a new fixed price.
Variable Percentage - if this is selected, the POS operator will be prompted to enter a percentage discount at the time of purchase.
Variable Price Off - if this is selected, the POS operator will be prompted to enter a price off at the time of purchase.
Note: If the ticket type for which you are creating a discount is a package, only the Percentage Discount and Variable Percentage discount categories will be available.
- Click Apply.
- Save the price card.
After you finish
The details of each configured discount across all ticket types and price cards are displayed in the Price Card Discounts data view.
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