Operating funds contain the cash and vouchers you need for the transactions within your business. They include floats, operating change and petty cash.
Note: If floats need to be pre-allocated to POS operators, you need to create a separate fund for each float. If floats do not need to be pre-allocated, then they can be created from an operating fund when required.
- In Cinema Manager or Head Office, create a fund.
- Set the fund location to one of the fund locations you've created for operating funds.
- Configure whether the fund can include denomination payment types.
For example: You may not want to include denomination payment types in your operating change fund, so you'd select Do not allow denomination payment types on that fund; however, you may want to include both denomination and non-denomination payment types in your floats, so you'd select Allow denomination payment types on your float funds.
- If you want to make deposits from this fund, select Allow deposit from. This will make the fund appear on the deposit form.
Note: Allow deposit from is only available if the system setting CashDepositFrom is set to either Funds Only or POS Sessions and Funds.
- Configure whether fund counts are required for this fund.
- Ensure Dispatch on close day, Banking fund, Disable on dispatch and Must be empty to close day are not selected.
See also:
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