A fund is a collection of payment types and represents logical groupings for cash and other items within a location. Collecting payment types together in a fund allows you to move them all at the same time.
For example, a float bag containing cash and vouchers can be represented in CashDesk as a fund and issued to a POS operator in a single transaction.
Examples of funds that you may want to use:
- Manager's Cash Reserve
- Float Bag 1
- Petty Cash
- Voucher Safe
- Banking Bag XY12345
Fund locations
A fund location is a description of the physical location of a fund.
Examples of fund locations:
- Cash Safe
- Float Safe
- Banking Locked Bag
- Drop Safe
Floats, float drops, and float increases
A float is a fund containing cash and other payment types (for example, vouchers) that are issued to an operator at the start of their shift. Typically you will keep these funds together in a single location.
A float drop is the transfer of cash and other payment types (for example, vouchers, cheques and records of electronic transactions) from the point of sale to the cash room.
A float increase is the transfer of cash and other payment types from the cash room to a point of sale. Float drops and float increases are entered in POS.
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