A float is a fund containing cash and other payment types (for example, vouchers) that are issued to an operator at the start of their shift. Typically you will keep these funds together in a single location.
Float drops
A float drop is the transfer of cash and other payment types (for example, vouchers, cheques and records of electronic transactions) from the point of sale to the cash room.
Float increases
A float increase is the transfer of cash and other payment types from the cash room to a point of sale. Float drops and float increases are entered in POS.
Tracking floats
Payment groups determine how payments in floats are tracked, either by quantity, value, or both.
Note: If the payments are tracked by value only and a quantity is entered when creating the session, then a message will appear and the field will remain at zero.
If a workstation is in a workstation group that is configured with the option Allow initiation of POS session at terminal if no Back Office Float has been created, the operator can log on without a pre-defined opening float. If the workstation is in a workstation group where this option is not selected, the operator is prevented from logging on if an opening float has not been issued.
To configure workstation groups, go to Cinema Manager > Maintenance > Workstation Groups
For example: Box office and concessions POS terminals may require a pre-defined float, while other points of sale such as coffee bars may not.
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