Use reports to monitor staff behaviour and track performance over time.
Staff performance report
The staff performance report helps you identify well-performing staff, as well as staff who may need additional training.
- Highlights staff who are performing best on KPIs you want to track.
Note: Some POS terminals may have an advantage over others due to their placement or proximity to different parts of your concessions counter.
- Highlights staff who may need additional training in speed and upsells.
Tip: Use the Transaction Strike Rate, Concession Spend per Head, or Transactions per Hour to identify staff who are serving slower than usual, or who aren't achieving many upsells.
Risk dashboard report
The risk dashboard identifies users who most often perform POS actions that carry fradulent risk. The report doesn't demonstrate fraud, but may assist in identifying users who may require retraining or auditing.
Audit POS session by user report
The audit POS session by user report provides detailed tracking of user activity during a POS session. This information can be compared to CCTV footage, for example, to match the sales of a Small Popcorn in the report to a video of a small popcorn being served.
See also
Recommended practices for a secure site
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