- Identity management overview
- User/user group error messages and what they mean
- Users can't access Vista Cloud apps
- The same user group differs between Vista Cloud and a capability
- Signing in to a shared account doesn't work
- Holidays form
- Holidays
- Creating a holiday
- Identity management for users without corporate email accounts
- Configuring plus addressing
- Creating sign-in details for users who don't have a corporate email account
- Restricting stock management views for cinema user groups
- Granting access to CashDesk
- Creating cinema user groups in Head Office
- Users
- Creating POS users
- Staff time breakdown configuration
- Time and Attendance form
- Staff times
- Shifts
- Configuring fingerprint login for a POS workstation
- Configuring POS login methods and devices
- Preventing employees from clocking on to work areas outside their rate cards
- Removing a rate card
- Configuring staff pay rates
- Creating a new rate card for staff
- How Vista calculates pay rates
- Work areas
- User form: Payroll section
- User form: POS section