Vista tracks pay rates in several places in Cinema Manager:
- An individual pay rate -
- A general Work Area rate -
- A rate card that defines the pay rate of a specific employee working in a specific area -
- A manually-entered pay rate -
To calculate an employee's earnings, Vista considers the employee's various pay rates hierarchically in the following order:
- Manually-entered - If a pay rate has been manually entered, Vista uses that pay rate. No other pay rates are considered.
- Rate card - Otherwise, if the employee has a rate card for the relevant work area, Vista uses the pay rate from the rate card.
- Individual - If the employee has no rate card for the relevant work area, and the employee's individual pay rate is greater than the general work area pay rate, Vista uses the individual pay rate.
- Work area - In all other cases, Vista uses the general work area rate.
See also:
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