November 2024
When Group Sales booking requests through the Public Portal include concession items, users now see correct tax calculation estimates.
Group Sales now correctly calculates tax for booking requests with concession add-ons made using the public portal.
Group Sales now calculates a film's ticket-sales tax based on the sales-tax settings configured in Price Cards, rather than using sales-tax settings configured for individual Ticket Types.
The cinema booking sync task no longer fails when new concession items are added or item quantity changes for a group booking that has already synchronized to POS.
Reverting the status of a public booking from Confirmed to Tentative no longer causes concession items to be cleared.
We've fixed issues with tax-exclusive bookings when the system setting UseSalesServerForConcessionTax is enabled.
The Group Sales public portal and invoices now show the film display name rather than the film title, which was prefixed with the territory code if that was enabled.
Group Sales now sends correct concession quantities while syncing bookings to POS.
The Create Invoice button is now disabled after it has been clicked once to prevent users from creating multiple invoices or causing a 500 error.
The Make Payment and Create Invoice buttons are now disabled after they have been clicked to prevent processing multiple payments, creating multiple invoices, or causing 500 errors.
The Booking Status button is now disabled after it has been clicked once to prevent multiple entries from being created in the database.
The Status Reason button is now disabled after it has been clicked once to prevent the occurrence of a 500 error.
Users can now only send a request for approval once, preventing the occurrence of a 500 error.
We've updated the way public bookings with food and beverage are edited in Group Sales, making it easier to see what it's possible to edit and preventing error messages.
The voucher order page in Group Sales now displays a user-friendly error message when unable to process vouchers with duplicate voucher type codes.
We've fixed an issue which caused an unauthorised error on the order details page when issuing electronic voucher orders via Group Sales.
The venue selected when adding a film session to a public booking must now be the same as the booking venue.
When more than one session is included in the order, the Group Sales Summary report now displays the correct Box Office (Net) amount.
In the Group Sales Revenue report prompt the Film label is now translated.
Users will experience fewer errors when using Group Sales.
We've increased the length of email addresses accepted for billing documents from 50 to 100 characters.
May 2024
New Features
Simplify your corporate sales transactions—and retain brand consistency—with embedded card payments. When enabled, embedded card payments allow patrons to complete transactions within a cinema's own website. This means that patrons won't be redirected to another webpage mid-transaction, which allows cinemas to retain control of their brand experience throughout the payment journey. Embedded payments are available in these areas:
- Self-service payments from invoice links
- Public portal payments on cinema websites
We have fixed the issue where server errors would occur when creating billing documents with email addresses that contain more than 50 characters. Users can now successfully create billing documents with email address containing up to 100 characters.
We have fixed the issue where it was possible for users to select a venue different than the booking venue when adding film session to a public booking. Now the venue is restricted to the booking venue.
Package add-on sales tax in the Group Sales portal in now correct.
Group Sales no longer adds tax to tax-exempt bookings when service fees are applied.
When Group Sales booking requests through the Public Portal include concession items, users now see correct tax calculation estimates.
Group Sales now correctly calculates tax for booking requests with concession add-ons made using the public portal.
Terms and Conditions now appear correctly in the Group Sales Public Portal.
Bookings now appear with correct booking end times in the Group Sales calendar view.
Links on Group Sales Quick Pay now work as expected.
Documents now include Debtor Code information as expected when the template includes the DebtorCode field.
The address in the header of a report generated in Group Sales now consistently matches the address in the header of that same report generated in Head Office.
When concessions are added to a Group Sales Public Booking, and the booking is later cleared, the booking is now cancelled at Cinema as expected.
The Confirmation report now includes the correct per-item value and total value, even when a service fee is applied.
Group Sales tax is now included when a user closes a booking check and runs Get Actuals in the Site General Ledger.
Errors no longer occur when the Group Sales Self-Service app is running on a server that only has the TLS 1.2 protocol enabled and site redirects to a payment page.
When users download electronic vouchers in a Group Sales voucher order, the system now respects the user's file type choice and, when PDF is selected, correctly generates a PDF file.
Redirect payments for orders in the Group Sales admin site no longer cause an authorisation error.
Now when the currency symbol is configured at cinema or using the CurrencySymbol system setting, it is honored in group booking documents, emails and Group Sales Public Portal.
The issue with unauthorized errors when issuing electronic voucher orders via GS has been resolved. The order details page now reloads without any errors.
Cinema booking sync task no longer fails when new concession items are added or item quantity changes for a group booking that has already synchronized to POS.
We've fixed issues with tax-exclusive bookings when the system setting UseSalesServerForConcessionTax is enabled.
Reverting the status of a public booking from Confirmed to Tentative no longer causes concession items to be cleared.
The Group Sales public portal and invoices now show the film display name rather than the film title, which was prefixed with the territory code if that was enabled.
Group Sales now sends correct concession quantities while syncing bookings to POS.
The Create Invoice button is now disabled after it has been clicked once to prevent users from creating multiple invoices or causing a 500 error.
The Make Payment and Create Invoice buttons are now disabled after they have been clicked to prevent processing multiple payments, creating multiple invoices, or causing 500 errors.
The Booking Status button is now disabled after it has been clicked once to prevent multiple entries from being created in the database.
The Status Reason button is now disabled after it has been clicked once to prevent the occurrence of a 500 error.
Users can now only send a request for approval once, preventing the occurrence of a 500 error.
Group Sales dropdowns now load faster, making it easier to create bookings.
Users will experience fewer errors when using Group Sales.
The Group Sales summary report no longer returns a server error.
October 2023
Package add-on sales tax is now calculated correctly using the versioned sales tax instead of the master sales tax.
Tax on service fees is no longer added to tax-exempt bookings.
Reverting the status of a public booking from Confirmed to Tentative no longer causes concession items to be cleared.
Clearing a public booking that has concessions now cancels the booking at the cinema, allowing its seats to be released.
Per-item and total values in the Group Sales Confirmation report are now calculated correctly when a service fee is applied.
After closing a booking check and running Get Actuals, Site General Ledger now correctly includes Group Sales tax.
We've fixed the unopenable PDF file that resulted from downloading electronic vouchers in a Group Sales voucher order.
Redirect payments for orders in the Group Sales admin site no longer cause an authorisation error.
Now when the currency symbol is configured at cinema or using the CurrencySymbol system setting, it is honored in group booking documents, emails and Group Sales Public Portal.
The cinema booking sync task no longer fails when new concession items are added or item quantity changes for a group booking that has already synchronized to POS.
We've fixed issues with tax-exclusive bookings when the system setting UseSalesServerForConcessionTax is enabled.
When creating a booking in Group Sales, the UI elements now load much faster.
February 2023
- The Terms and Conditions in the Group Sales Public Portal now longer shows unreadable text.
- In the Group Sales calendar view, bookings no long show the wrong booking end time
- Links on Group Sales Quick Pay now work correctly
- Documents generated from templates with a DebtorCode field now include Debtor Code information
- The Group Sales summary report no longer returns a server error
- Adding an item in a public or private booking in Group Sales no longer shows the Unit Cost as 0.00
- The site selector in the Group Sales Public Portal and Voucher Order page no longer offers sites that have no active cinemas.
- In the Group Sales Public Portal, clicking the Cancel button on the default, non-package booking page redirects you to the home page
- It's no longer possible to click the add button in the Group Sales Add Voucher dialog box multiple times and add multiple vouchers
- Issuing vouchers from existing stock in Group Sales no longer returns a server error
- The public booking seat map now provides clearer instructions when an insufficient number of seats is selected
- Group Sales can now process payment results and complete payments with references of up to 100 characters.
- Cinema staff can now search for a customer in the Customer grid by mobile number
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