November 2024
New Features
The Cast and crew tab (previously Actors and Directors) is now available in the Films (web page) form.
Operators in Germany can now upload Box Office data to the FFA which includes fee calculations relating to "No Show" tickets.
We've converted the following Head Office maintenance forms to web forms. This means you can use these in your browser without using Form Launcher:
- Distribution lists (previously part of the Email form)
- Emails
- Genres
- Price books
- Sound formats
- Cast and crew (previously Actors and Directors)
- Units of measure
We've created simplified webpage versions of the following Head Office maintenance forms:
- Events (General tab only)
- Distributor (General, Alternate Language, Box Office tabs)
- Film (General, Box Office, Alternate Language tabs)
We've also made some minor improvements to the user-interface text.
Operators in Germany can now generate the Lückenloser Spielplan (Gapless Report) grouped by Cinema in accordance with changes to BKM requirements.
You can now create marathon film records in the Films (web) form in Cinema Manager and Head Office.
Located in the General tab, simply update the film record from Single to Marathon, before selecting films to add from your existing database. It's easy to update the break time between films and update the box-office split in the grid as required.
We've continued to enhance our webpage version of the Films form in Vista Cloud.
The following fields are now available in the Films (webpage) form under the General tab:
- Producer (Head Office only)
- Allow download (Head Office only)
- Film territory (Head Office only, available when system setting EnableFilmTerritory is set to Yes.)
- Other countries of origin (Head Office and Cinema Manager)
The following fields are now available in the Films (webpage) form under the Box office tab:
- No free tickets until (Head Office only)
- Advance preview revenue to release date (Head Office only)
We've also made some improvements to the user-interface text on the Films (web) form, including more tool-tips to help you on-the-go.
Note: Labels containing the name Rentrak have been updated to Comscore.
Valencian (CA-V) is now available for selection when configuring the Audio and Subtitle options in the Film form.
We've added an additional field to the Film Hire Payment form called Note. This field allows you to store alphanumeric strings for integration or auditing purposes. For instance, if you are operating in Poland you can use this field to store your National e-Invoicing number.
The Note column can be added to the Film Hire Payment form when choosing columns and becomes editable when in Enter Invoice mode. Entries made in this column are included in the CSV file produced when exporting to excel.
We've updated the Films (web page) form by relocating the Box Office category field from the now deprecated Film Programming tab to the Box Office tab.
The Internet tab is now available in the Films (web page) form.
The Film Hire tab is now available in the Films (web page) form.
In the Film Manager application, users with Head Office permissions are now able to set the Box Office Category for a film under the Box Office tab, allowing film programmers to access relevant programming information for each film record.
You can now view and manage all media sets at once using our enhanced design of the Media tab in the Film form. As a part of this change, the following labels have been updated:
- Poster Graphic is now Poster
- Film Advertising Media is now Landscape media
Note: You can only link one media set to a media type. However, you can still add multiple images to a media set using the Media Library form.
Image and video assets now appear on menu board pane backgrounds in the menu board designer.
Running the Film Hire Audit report in Head Office now correctly displays the 'Variance (on Net)' column.
Data Integrity
Updating Bulk Items in an environment with a vast amount of data no longer causes a "system out of memory" issue.
Multiple sites can have their postings approved in Site Finance Review, regardless of associated Film Hire Accrual records.
Scheduled HTM reports now generate with the correct file format and are successfully emailed.
Scheduled reports sent by email now have custom titles and cinema names included in the email subject.
Copies of projection groups made in Cinema Manager are no longer able to be linked to the wrong record in Head Office.
Copies of sound formats made in Cinema Manager are no longer able to be linked to the wrong record in Head Office.
Cross-site stock transfers now display the correct transfer status.
We've fixed the Tier filter in Post-Sale Ticket Value Adjustments cabinet.
Head Office scheduled tasks no longer include Rentrak-only parameters.
Head Office has a new film data view which includes inactive films: "All (including inactive)".
The Site Banking Deposit Summary is now included in the Finance section of Vista Cloud > Head Office > Maintenance.
Running the HO Download Import task no longer results in timeouts.
We've updated a number of Head Office Upload Export tasks to make them compatible for Vista Cloud customers by adding an additional parameter:
- CinemaToHOPath: When provided, this value supercedes the value specified in Cinema Manager > Maintenance > Cinemas > Data Transfer > Upload from Cinema to HO.
These tasks have been updated with the new parameter:
- Head Office Upload Export - Close Day
- Head Office Upload Export - Daily
- Head Office Upload Export - Day End
- Head Office Upload Export - Re-Export
- Head Office Upload Export - Incremental
- Head Office Upload Export - Weekly
Update this new parameter in Cloud task scheduler > [Head Office Upload Export task] > Edit > Parameters.
We've updated the HO Download Import task for compatibility with Vista Cloud by adding two optional parameters:
- CinemaFromHOPath: When provided, this value supercedes the value specified in Cinema Manager > Maintenance > Cinemas > Data Transfer > Upload from Cinema to HO.
- ArchivePath: When provided, this value supercedes the value specified in Cinema Manager > System Settings > TransferURLFromHOHold.
Update these new parameters in Cloud task scheduler > HO Download Import > Edit > Parameters.
Users are now informed when the HO Download Import task fails.
The Corporate Bookings page now successfully opens.
When a batch upload from Cinema contains ticket sales for a film that doesn't exist in Head Office yet, you'll now be able to successfully process this import without experiencing an error.
We've fixed an issue which caused the Download EDI Provider Media scheduled task to fail.
We've fixed an issue that caused a connection error when performing a cross-site stock transfer.
When copying a Distributor record, the Government code field is cleared.
We've fixed an issue where users could access some applications without a required country pack installed. Now, those users are redirected to a permission denied page prompting them to contact Vista support to upgrade their country pack.
The Connect HO Import scheduled task in Head Office now runs without error.
We've fixed an issue which caused an error when re-opening the "Box Office Inquiry" and "Food and Beverage Inquiry" cabinet forms after closing them.
When scheduling a session through Film Manager in audit mode, sessions can now be saved without error.
Cinema Manager and Head Office now correctly allow users to rename, move, and edit report groups.
We've improved performance when running and downloading reports by reducing memory usage, ensuring reports generate without interruption.
The Country of Origin field in the Film form no longer shows a 0 when no value has been selected
Report prompts that were previously untranslated are now translated correctly in the tooltip for recent activity.
Running multiple HO Download Import tasks at the same time no longer produces a 'media data' error.
Thumbnail images now load faster when scrolling through reports.
We've upgraded the SSH library to increase supported cipher suites and improve security for file transfers via SFTP.
In the Film form's Box Office tab, the "No free tickets until" field now has a tooltip that provides information about when free or complimentary tickets will become available for sessions of the film.
We've fixed an issue (introduced in 5.0.12) which meant the Film Hire by Distributor report didn't display information.
Cinema Manager and Head Office now correctly allow users to rename, move, and edit report groups.
We've improved performance when running and downloading reports by reducing memory usage, ensuring reports generate without interruption.
The Country of Origin field in the Film form no longer shows a 0 when no value has been selected
Report prompts that were previously untranslated are now translated correctly in the tooltip for recent activity.
We've improved one of our backend services so it can mitigate SQL injection vulnerabilities to prevent potential exploitation of the system.
We've improved one of our backend services so it can mitigate SQL injection vulnerabilities to prevent potential exploitation of the system.
September 2024
New Features
Operators in Germany can now generate the Lückenloser Spielplan (Gapless Report) grouped by Cinema in accordance with changes to BKM requirements.
We've fixed an issue which caused an error when re-opening the "Box Office Inquiry" and "Food and Beverage Inquiry" cabinet forms after closing them.
We've fixed an issue where users could access some applications without a required country pack installed. Now, those users are redirected to a permission denied page prompting them to contact Vista support to upgrade their country pack.
The Connect HO Import scheduled task in Head Office now runs without error.
May 2024
New Features
Save time and simplify your workflow with Vista Cloud's new film-hire integration with Esker, a third-party company which specialises in scanning and loading invoice data. Our new API means that Cinema staff no longer need to manually compare and enter distributor invoices into Vista. Instead, Esker automates this process so that staff only need to investigate invoicing discrepancies before they export invoicing data to a financial management system. Learn how to configure the film-hire integration API.
Operators in Germany can now upload Box Office data to the FFA which includes fee calculations relating to "No Show" tickets.
We've updated the following Head Office reports so that they reflect post-sale ticket value adjustments:
- Box Office Analysis
- Box Office Comparison
- Box Office Sales and Admits
- Event Performance
- Film Booking Analysis
- Net Box Office Summary
- Net Box Office Weekday Cinema
- Net Box Office Weekday Film
- Alternate Content Usage
- Box Office by Distributor & Weekday
- Cinema Statistics
- Distributor by Ticket Price
- Distributor by Ticket Type
- Performance per Ticket Type
- Weekly Box Office by Ticket Type
Menu Board designer now shows the images and video assets for the Menu Board pane backgrounds.
Running the Film Hire Audit report in Head Office now correctly displays the 'Variance (on Net)' column.
Data Integrity
The Film Hire Audit report now shows zero variances as expected.
The Head Office Audit View no longer shows an imbalance when the concession count has a value with more than four decimal places.
The Films Without Contract Assigned report no longer duplicates attributes.
The Inventory Movement report header no longer includes the time, which is not a parameter users can select when running the report.
The Maccs extract now includes the correct average ticket price.
Multiple sites can now have their postings approved in Site Finance Review, regardless of associated Film Hire Accrual records.
All payments are now included in the Electronic Payments report.
Price cards can now be saved as expected, even when the price card contains a ticket package with a discount item.
Values shown in the Head Office Reorder Worksheet are now correct.
Missing Unit of Measure permissions no longer prevent cross-site stock transfers from being rejected at Head Office.
The Head Office Staff Time service no longer experiences authentication errors. This fix prevents communication issues.
Contract adjustments no longer prevent the Film Hire Payment form from correctly filtering records by status.
Payroll costs now appear on the Executive Overview report.
Numero extracts no longer includes characters that won't display correctly.
The sent date of a cross-site stock transfer now correctly reflects the time zone of the sending site.
Adjustments now correctly reflect any changes to the Distributor for a film on an exported film payment.
A server error message no longer appears on the web services default page when a default database is not configured in the Vista Cinema Integration - Staff Time web service.
Application rights now import correctly when you use the User Group cabinet form to import users from Cinema to Head Office.
Reports stuck in the print queue can now still be generated as PDFs.
The Download EDI Provider Media task no longer leaves multiple media items flagged as preferred when updating media from movieXchange.
Downloading language-related data from Head Office to Cinema no longer causes a site's default language to be cleared.
You can now create new distribution terms when using Adjust Contract in Film Hire Payment.
Importing a session that overlaps with an existing session no longer stops the importing process.
Scheduled HTM reports now generate with the correct file format and are successfully emailed.
Scheduled reports sent by email now have custom titles and cinema names included in the email subject.
Copies of sound formats made in Cinema Manager are no longer able to be linked to the wrong record in Head Office.
Cross Site Stock Transfer no longer fails to update the Transfer Status of received stock as Incoming Transfer for the receiving cinema, or as Completed in Head Office.
We've fixed the Tier filter in Post-Sale Ticket Value Adjustments cabinet.
Head Office scheduled tasks no longer include Rentrak-only parameters.
The Site Banking Deposit Summary is now included in the Finance section of Vista Cloud > Head Office > Maintenance.
Head Office has a new film data view which includes inactive films: "All (including inactive)".
Running the HO Download Import task no longer results in timeouts.
We've updated a number of Head Office Upload Export tasks to make them compatible for Vista Cloud customers by adding an additional parameter:
- CinemaToHOPath: When provided, this value supercedes the value specified in Cinema Manager > Maintenance > Cinemas > Data Transfer > Upload from Cinema to HO.
These tasks have been updated with the new parameter:
- Head Office Upload Export - Close Day
- Head Office Upload Export - Daily
- Head Office Upload Export - Day End
- Head Office Upload Export - Re-Export
- Head Office Upload Export - Incremental
- Head Office Upload Export - Weekly
Update this new parameter in Cloud task scheduler > [Head Office Upload Export task] > Edit > Parameters.
We've updated the HO Download Import task for compatibility with Vista Cloud by adding two optional parameters:
- CinemaFromHOPath: When provided, this value supercedes the value specified in Cinema Manager > Maintenance > Cinemas > Data Transfer > Upload from Cinema to HO.
- ArchivePath: When provided, this value supercedes the value specified in Cinema Manager > System Settings > TransferURLFromHOHold.
Update these new parameters in Cloud task scheduler > HO Download Import > Edit > Parameters.
Users are now informed when the HO Download Import task fails.
Upgraded SSH library to increase supported cipher suites and improve security for file transfers via SFTP.
Starting MasterData service no longer results in database connection issues.
The Distributor by Ticket Price report no longer shows an "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error.
Setting the Windows regional format to French or Russian no longer prevents you from generating the Box Office Analysis report.
The Film Hire by Distributor report now runs as expected.
The B3: Analyse Billetterie report now runs as expected.
Long cinema names no longer prevent the Film Payable Details report from running as expected.
October 2023
We've updated the following Head Office reports so that they reflect post-sale ticket value adjustments:
- Box Office Analysis
- Box Office Comparison
- Box Office Sales and Admits
- Event Performance
- Film Booking Analysis
- Net Box Office Summary
- Net Box Office Weekday Cinema
- Net Box Office Weekday Film
- Alternate Content Usage
- Box Office by Distributor & Weekday
- Cinema Statistics
- Distributor by Ticket Price
- Distributor by Ticket Type
- Performance per Ticket Type
- Weekly Box Office by Ticket Type
Image and video assets now appear on menu board pane backgrounds in the menu board designer.
Cross-site stock transfers now display the correct transfer status.
Media updates from movieXchange no longer incorrectly flag multiple media items flagged as preferred.
When downloading language-related data from Head Office to Cinema, the site now retains its default language.
It's now possible to create new distribution terms when using Adjust Contract in Film Hire Payment.
Importing a session that overlaps with an existing session no longer stops the importing process.
Scheduled HTM reports now generate with the correct file format and are successfully emailed.
Scheduled reports sent by email now have custom titles and cinema names included in the email subject.
Copies of projection groups made in Cinema Manager are no longer able to be linked to the wrong record in Head Office.
Copies of sound formats made in Cinema Manager are no longer able to be linked to the wrong record in Head Office.
Long cinema names no longer prevent the Film Payable Details report from being generated.
February 2023
The Weekly Film Hire report can now be filtered by circuit, allowing you to view the report for a specific circuit.
To make space for the new filter, we've made a minor change to the cabinet menu layout. Filters now appear in four columns instead of three. The new Cinema Groups filter is the second option, shifting all other filters over one position.
The Vista Mobile - Revenue Share Invoice now has additional options:
Breakdown per site for fixed fee configuration
Filter by sales channel
Base the revenue share on convenience/booking fees
You can now select Navajo as an audio and subtitle language for Films.
Improvements when handling advance concession sales and uncollected concessions
- The sent date of a cross-site stock transfer now uses the time zone of the sending site
- When you change the distributor for a film on an exported film payment, the updated distributor was is now reflected in any adjustments
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