If you want to charge for the customisation of a prepared meal (for example, adding extra cheese to a pizza), you can create a saleable modifier.
- In Cinema Manager or Head Office, go to .
- Open an existing item that you want to use as a modifier.
- In the section, choose how selling the item as a modifier will affect its stock levels and pricing.
Option Allowed values Description Adjust Stock
Causes information about the Modifier to appear on prepare slips, and decreases the amount of stock recorded in Vista for the Item when it is sold as a modifier.
Choose this option for modifiers that represent physical stock.
For example: Sauce.
Information Only
Causes information about the Modifier to appear on prepare slips when sold as a modifier.
Choose this option for modifiers that represent preparation techniques.
For example: Medium-rare.
Price Type
No Charge
Use Item Retail Price
Use Modifier Price
- No Charge indicates that when an item is sold with this Modifier, no extra charge is applied to the order.
- Use Item Retail Price: indicates that when an item is sold with this modifier, the order total is increased by the modifier's standard Retail Price as configured on the Stock Details tab of the maintenance form.
- Use Modifier Price indicates that when an items is sold with this modifier, the order total is increased by the Modifier Retail Price as configured on the Alternate Items tab.
Modifier Retail Price
Any monetary value
The extra charge that is added to the order when another item is sold with this Item as a Modifier.
Include on Receipt
If the checkbox is selected, the Modifier is printed in the [Modifiers] section of the receipt; if the checkbox is cleared, the modifier will not be printed on the receipt.
Available as Smart Modifier
Allows the Item to be listed on POS as a smart modifier.
- Click Save.
See also:
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