When a cinema manager is creating sessions in Showtime Manager, price cards can be automatically suggested based on new-release periods and new-release price cards.
For example: Two new films are released on January 17th. The major film Avatar 3D has a new-release period of 10 days, while the independent film Beasts of the Southern Wild has no new-release period. The price card Blockbuster Pricing has the New Release option selected, while the Standard price card doesn't.
Before you begin
- Ensure you've marked the relevant price cards as new releases.
- In Showtime Manager, drag sessions onto the grid from the Film palette, or generate sessions in Session entry (available in the Timeline view).
For example: January 19th - Avatar 3D at 8:30pm, Beasts of the Southern Wild at 9:00pm
- Select the sessions in the Showtime Manager grid or the Session entry window, and click Suggest Price Cards.
If you're using the Showtime Manager grid, the Suggested Price Cards For Sessions window is displayed. If you're using Session entry, see the Price Card column in the generated sessions table.
Sessions with only one matching price card will have it automatically assigned, while sessions with multiple possibilities will be highlighted in orange. Sessions with no matching price card will be highlighted in red.
For example: January 19th is within the 10-day new-release period for Avatar 3D, so it will be assigned the Blockbuster Pricing price card, as it is marked as a new release.
Beasts of the Southern Wild has no new-release period, so it will be assigned the Standard price card.Note: Automatic price-card suggestion can also be based on valid times, attributes, and film duration.
- If there are any conflicts, resolve them by selecting the correct price card. If you disagree with the suggested price card, you can override it.
- Save the data in the Showtime Manager grid, or click Apply to insert sessions generated by Session entry into the grid.
See also:
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